Students use their own printers and filaments; photo: ADek Student Research Group
Students of the ADek Student Research Group operating at the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering have decided to support medical staff. They use their home 3D printers to produce visors for face shields.
“I have joined the campaign #drukarzedlaszpitali, or #printersforhospitals, which has already brought together ca. 600 people,” explains Artur Pardo, a student of Electrical Technology (Faculty of Electrical Engineering). “Face shields will be supplied to local hospitals. Up until now, everyone has used their own filament, the type that they had and as much as they could donate non-profit for this purpose. Now, the contributing printers are likely to be provided with material bought from fundraising efforts in support of the project. We use a ready-made template. I have printed about 30 visors so far.”
“I have seen posts about a 3D printable face shield design by Prusa 3D on the 3D printers’ group,” says Michał Makowski, a student of Electromobility (Faculty of Electrical Engineering). “I got interested and printed my first model. Then, my friends whose parents work at medical facilities (such as Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw) got in touch and asked me if I would be able to print a few pieces for them. They obviously had my ‘yes’ and I launched the production. Later, I got information that the Dziekanów hospital would also need such face shields and I am currently printing a batch for them. I have bought filament myself and I am using my own Ender 3 printer. My dad is helping me out.”