#WUTprinting Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machine Engineering and intercollegiate pandemic initiatives

Face shield elements; photo: Dominik Głąb

Face shield elements; photo: Dominik Głąb

The importance of collaboration can easily be seen in the face of a serious challenge. Scientists of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machine Engineering are perfectly aware of that as they team up with the faculty members of other Warsaw-based universities to work on projects in support of healthcare workers in the coronavirus fight.

One such project is a result of their well-established partnership with the Faculty of Design of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. The previous efforts included execution of joint student projects; exhibitions; assistance with the development of design mockups and activities focused on participation in the 3D Printing Day, the largest trade event of its kind in Poland. The coronavirus outbreak has added a new project to the list of joint initiatives: printing of elements for SARS-CoV-2 protective equipment.

Photo: Jarosław Seńko

Both faculties are involved in the project #DrukarzeDlaSzpitali (#PrintersForHospitals). The 3D Printing Lab at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machine Engineering was

among the first to volunteer in printing at WUT. Almost 200 sets of PET-G frames for face shields to be supplied to medical staff have been printed so far owing to the efforts of Jarosław Seńko, Ph.D., Eng., Jarosław Małkiński, Ph.D., Eng., Przemysław Siemiński, Ph.D., Eng. and Paweł Cieślak, Eng. The same material has been used to produce ca. 750 pieces of virus filter adapters for Decathlon’s Easybreath snorkeling masks which are utilized by medics for protection. And Dominik Głąb, Ph.D, and Kamil Trząskowski, M.Sc. of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts Faculty of Design have made over 100 sets for face shields and 20 snorkeling masks adapters.

Several faculty members of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machine Engineering are supporting the Academy of Fine Art Faculty of Design in improving the models for 3D printing and coordinating supplies of components. 3DMansion, a business set up by two students of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machine Engineering, has played a significant role having made 40 laser-cut visor sheets.

The WUT faculty members are also part of an intercollegiate team dedicated to the development of a non-invasive ventilation helmet for COVID-19 patients. The coordinator of this undertaking is dr. Łukasz Wróblewski of the Medical University of Warsaw and its affiliated Teaching Hospital at Banacha 2, Warsaw. On the part of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machine Engineering, Przemysław Siemiński, Ph.D. is on board managing the overall project. Jarosław Seńko, Ph.D., Eng., of the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machine Engineering is contributing to the 3D printing production of rings and to the design of other components while Mariusz Fabijański, Ph.D., Eng., of the WUT Faculty of Production Engineering has been a consultant on the selection of plastic films.

Paweł Płatek, Ph.D., Eng. of the Military University of Technology Faculty of Mechatronics and Aviation is working on the structure of inlet and outlet valves and Prof. Grzegorz Niwiński of the Academy of Fine Arts Faculty of Design has been consulted on the helmet shape while one student of the Academy’s Faculty of Fashion has identified companies engaged in the manufacturing of elastic textiles. The device design is now at the stage of prototype testing at the Medical University of Warsaw.

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