In the special 20th edition of QS World University Ranking, the Warsaw University of Technology has been ranked 571. We also have the 172nd global ranking in the employer reputation category.
The ranking lists 1497 best universities from all over the world, including 85 new entrants. Among almost one and a half thousand leading world universities, there are 22 institutions from Poland – the Warsaw University of Technology is the third among them. Only Warsaw University (262nd place) and Jagiellonian University (304th place) were ranked higher. We share this year’s ranking jointly with 3 universities: Chiang Mai University (Thailand), Coventry University (Great Britain) and Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi (India).
Top positions in the ranking were taken by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Cambridge and University of Oxford. The first ten universities in the ranking comprise four universities from the United States, four from Great Britain, one from Switzerland and one from Singapore.
This year’s edition of the QS WUR Ranking differs from the previous ones with the number of metrics that served as the basis for calculation of the universities’ results. So far there were six criteria: academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty/student ratio, citations per faculty, international faculty ratio and international student ratio. This year three new metrics have been added: sustainability, employment outcomes and international research network.
QS WUR is one of the most important educational rankings, along with the Shanghai Ranking and Times Higher Education. For 20 years, the ranking has been drawn up by the company Quacquarelli Symonds, which specializes in the field of education and international study programmes.
Full results of the ranking are available at QS Top Universities.