Warsaw University of Technology in the CWUR ranking

In the photo, the interior of the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology

The ranking includes 41 Polish scientific institutions

In the latest edition of the Center for World University Ranking (CWUR) WUT ranked 755 in the world and maintained its 5th ranking in Poland. This year the ranking evaluated 20 966 scientific institutions. On this basis, a list of 2000 best ones was created, including 41 from Poland.

The Warsaw University of Technology is among 3.7% of the best universities in the world. From Polish scientific institutions, the following were ranked higher: Jagiellonian University (1st in Poland, 386th in the world), Warsaw University (2nd, 421st), the AGH University of Kraków (3rd, 637th), the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (4th, 753rd).

The ranking was dominated by American universities, and the best were, in order: Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University (in Top 0.1%).

CWUR is developed on the basis of indicators grouped in four areas:

  • Education (education quality based on the academic success of a university’s graduates, weight 25%)
  • Employability (based on the professional success of a university’s graduates, weight 25%)
  • Faculty (measured by the number of faculty members who have received top academic distinctions, weight 10%)
  • Research (measured by publications and citations, weight 40%)

The ranking of the Warsaw University of Technology in the areas:

  • Education: 338th ranking
  • Employability: 954th ranking
  • Faculty: no ranking
  • Research: 723rd ranking

Detailed results of the ranking are available on cwur.org/2024.php

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