Warsaw University of Technology in the Millionaires Ranking

Photo of the Main Building of the WUT

According to the ranking prepared by the company - Pracownia Ekonomiczna 2033, six graduates of the Warsaw University of Technology can pride themselves on assets in excess of 100 million euros. More millionaires graduated only from the University of Science and Technology in Krakow (11 people) and the University of Warsaw (10 people).

As in the previous years, the ranking was divided into three parts. The first one shows which university statistically is most likely to raise a future millionaire. For this purpose, it was checked which Polish universities can pride themselves on the largest number of graduates with assets exceeding 100 million euros.

The second part of the ranking was prepared on the basis of the value of  assets accumulated by the richest university graduates. Ranked first was the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the second place was taken by the Kielce University of Technology, and the third - by the University of Warsaw. The Warsaw University of Technology ranks 7th in this segment.

The third part compares the cities with graduates whose assets exceed 100 mln euro. This ranking was won by Warsaw (23 millionaires) ahead of Krakow (21 millionaires) and Wrocław (8 millionaires).

The ranking was compiled for the fifth time. It was created based on all available public information such as: financial statements, capitalization of public companies and widely available information on changes in ownership (purchase - sale transactions, mergers, etc.). Data on the multimillionaire graduates’ education was researched in a conventional way - based on widely available information, as well as in an unconventional, a little more complicated and furitive way, since many wealthy people value their privacy and do not publish any information on the subject.

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