We host the Falling Walls Lab Warsaw competition

Photo of the conference Science Summit 2021

People from our University are among the finalists, fot. fallingwallslab.pl

Eight people from WUT are among the finalists

How can an existing problem in science, education, society be solved? Finalists of the Warsaw edition of Falling Walls Lab will share their opinions during the event on 15 September 2022 at our University.

Each participant will have three minutes to present (in English) their proposal of ”tearing down a wall” and convince an international jury. WUT Vice-Rector for Research, Professor Mariusz Malinowski, will be one of the persons evaluating them.

The competition final will include 20 students, PhD students, young researchers and innovators from all over Poland. Among the finalists are eight people from our University:

  • Vijay Gupta, PhD (Faculty of Chemistry),
  • Łukasz Kaczmarek, PhD (Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering),
  • Artur Kasprzak, PhD (Faculty of Chemistry),
  • Julia Kowalczuk (a student, Faculty of Mechatronics),
  • Anna Łapińska, PhD (Faculty of Physics),
  • Priyanka Roy Chowdhury (a PhD student),
  • Mikołaj Więckowski (a PhD student),
  • Agnieszka Żuchowska, PhD (Faculty of Chemistry).

The winner of Falling Walls Lab Warsaw will win the trip to Berlin and have a chance to be awarded the title ”Breakthrough Winner of the Year” in the category ”Emerging Talents”. They will also be able to participate in an international conference Science Summit (7-9 November 2022) and preceding workshop and meetings organized especially for the winners of Falling Walls Lab from all countries. This global undertaking is coordinated by the foundation Falling Walls.

The Warsaw edition was initiated and organised by the company pro science, which specializes in improving the visibility of Polish science and researchers. The Warsaw University of Technology hosts the final and the ENHANCE alliance, comprising European universities, including our University, is one of the partners.

More information about the event: fallingwallslab.pl/en

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