We wish you every success!
On 1 October in the Main Hall of the Main Building we started the new academic year.
The ceremony was attended by, among others, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, Archbishop of Warsaw, Mazowsze voivod Konstanty Radziwiłł, president of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski, representatives of the academic community, clergy, business, rectors and vice-rectors of other universities, former rectors and vice-rectors of the Warsaw University of Technology, as well as WUT employees and students. In the Main Hall there were also those who are starting their education at the Warsaw University of Technology.
Time of challenges and successes
– Another year is over, a special one and a very difficult one, though I would not want to use this word – said Professor Krzysztof Zaremba, WUT Rector.
The pandemic made our University work mostly in the hybrid mode.
– Thanks to great engagement and effort of the whole academic community we continued our work – emphasised the Rector. – Not only that, we have had success comparable to that which showed the potential of the Warsaw University of Technology in the years without the pandemic.
Professor Zaremba mentioned the position of our University in rankings, the achievements of students in competitions, projects and contests, and prizes awarded to WUT doctoral students and employees.
While the Rector appreciated the possibility of online learning and working, he also stressed the importance of face-to-face contacts.
– Without laboratories, tutorials, completing group projects, we cannot educate true engineers – he stressed. – Without debates, discussions and direct contact, a real academic community cannot be built.
The Rector also encouraged people to perceive the changes caused by COVID-19 as an opportunity and an incentive for change.
– For this we will need responsibility and consensus and we know how difficult this is at present – he said. – I stay positive, however, looking at the last year and at how we worked and what we achieved.
In his speech Professor Zaremba mentioned important projects happening at WUT: work within the programme ”Excellence Initiative – Research University”, the ENHANCE consortium and a new initiative – New European Bauhaus. The coming year will be a time of new challenges connected with further development of the projects.
The Rector also addressed newly admitted students. He congratulated them on choosing this university and the results they achieved which allowed them to join the WUT community.
– Studying is an incredible, unique adventure and in some way the last years of freedom – said Professor Zaremba. – What is ahead of you are meetings with new people and friendships which may last many years. I wish you with all my heart that you encounter your masters, people whose authority and personality will stay in your hearts and minds forever.
Solutions for the 21st century
Mateusz Morawiecki, the Prime Minister, was a guest at our inauguration ceremony. In his speech he talked about the challenges we are facing.
– If in the 21st century we want the world to develop in a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful way, to develop in a good way, we must find a better solution in sharing knowledge with others, at the same time respecting intellectual property rights – said the Prime Minister. – Here we should find a golden means, better regulatory solutions which will be a response to challenges of the future.
On the new academic year, Mateusz Morawiecki wished everyone courage in thinking, in searching for the truth and solutions which will make the world a more just place.
– I wish you, I wish students no fear of taking up great challenges, of seeking the best solutions for the 21st century and maybe even for the next centuries – said the Prime Minister.
Cooperation and passion
Rafał Trzaskowski, President of Warsaw, who was also a guest at the inauguration ceremony, emphasised the importance of the role played by universities.
– The challenges ahead of us, at the European level, in Poland, but also in the city, challenges such as climate change, striving towards greater innovativeness, towards greater reliance on digital solutions – these are all areas for cooperation where we need synergy between decision-makers and universities – he said.
He also pointed to specific areas for cooperation.
– Saving energy, circular economy, waste management, all the solutions called smart city, e.g., traffic management, important solutions for education or health care – these are problems we, city, town and village authorities, are facing every day and only by cooperating with universities can we try to respond to these challenges in a more professional and effective way – said Rafał Trzaskowski.
– Passion is the most important – emphasised the President of Warsaw – Without passion one cannot become a good scientist and will never have the most important thing – satisfaction.
University of students and doctoral students
An important part of the ceremony was matriculation. Representatives of newly admitted students took the academic oath and then received their diplomas from the WUT Rector.
President of the WUT Students’ Self-government, Michał Rodowski, welcomed the new students.
– You have chosen our University for a reason – he said. – Students who graduated from it are respected all over the world. Their contribution to the development of Polish science is clear not only when you look at publications but also at newspaper headlines.
Michał Rodowski stressed that the Warsaw University of Technology is like a family where one can develop and count on getting support. He also encouraged students to be active.
– Studying is more than just attending classes – stressed the President of the Students’ Self-government. – How you spend the coming years depends just on you. Use them to the maximum.
President of the WUT Doctoral Students’ Council, Adrian Kopytowski, remembered his first inauguration ceremony at the Warsaw University of Technology. He talked about the community of WUT doctoral students and encouraged to get involved in doctoral students’ self-government.
– For many of us, the PhD is not only hours spent in laboratories, but also discussions with business representatives, making new contacts – said Adrian Kopytowski. – Development of the Warsaw University of Technology lies in our hands and contact with branch companies allows us to obtain implementations or patents.
First lecture in the new year
After the official inauguration of the new academic year by the WUT Rector, Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz, President of the Association of Polish Banks and President of the WUT University Council gave the opening lecture entitled “Universities, banks, Polish economy facing modern threats, challenges and opportunities”. He pointed to the adverse impact of civilisation progress on the environment. He talked about the challenges of the modern world and resulting threats and opportunities. He encouraged to replace fighting with talking.
– Let’s build consensus on the fact that science, skills of our graduates, stable financial institutions, both public and private ones, with support and understanding of intellectual communities, can do a lot of good for our country, and more widely, for our continent – said Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz. – In the next quarters, a key issue will be rebuilding the economy after the pandemic. And here we need to reach compromise, we need to make good choices.
Thanks and wishes
Due to the pandemic we have limited the number of participants of the inauguration ceremony in the Main Building. Thanks to the broadcast, everyone interested could watch it on our website and in social media.
We would like to thank you for being present on this very important day for our University, for all kind words, congratulations and wishes. We hope the new academic year will bring a lot of hope, optimism, new ideas and successes.