Welcome Point at the Warsaw University of Technology

is located in the Warsaw University of Technology Main Building in room 86

Katarzyna Dyrka and Marzena Pobojewska provide support mainly connected with staying in Poland

It is located in the WUT Main Building in room 86

Our University now has a new unit which will provide services for international students, doctoral students, staff members and guests. It is an important step in the WUT internationalisation strategy.

Welcome Point staff members, Katarzyna Dyrka and Marzena Pobojewska, provide support mainly connected with staying in Poland, such as permanent address, PESEL number, health insurance, opening a bank account and legalisation of residence. They also accompany international guests in everyday challenges which arise when they settle down in Poland, and they help to get to know the Warsaw University of Technology better.

– We answer questions, explain, direct to relevant offices and institutions and contact them ourselves to make things easier – says Katarzyna Dyrka. – Most often we deal with giving directions in the process of legalisation of residence, which seems to be the greatest administrative challenge for our clients.

– Every day we learn that every person tells a different story – adds Marzena Pobojewska. – We listen and help. We want people coming to our university to feel good and welcome.

Welcome Point is located in the Warsaw University of Technology Main Building in room 86 (level 0, opposite the entrance to the building) so it is easy to find. It is open on weekdays – from Monday to Friday (except for holidays). It is a good idea to make an appointment earlier by email: katarzyna.dyrka@pw.edu.pl and marzena.pobojewska@pw.edu.pl.

In the photo, the interior of the Main Hall with the Welcome Point neon sign visible in the window is shown

The Welcome Point is clearly marked, making it easy to find

Welcome Point is part of the Centre for International Cooperation of the Warsaw University of Technology and was established with the funds of the programme "Excellence Initiative – Research University" implemented at WUT.

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