In Poland, the average household size has been on the decline for several years now. According to the forecasts of the Central Statistical Office from 2016, it will continue on a downward trend in the next decade. What is the quality of life of people living on a single income? A research project on this subject was conducted by Marlena Piekut, DSc, Eng., from the College of Economics and Social Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology Branch in Płock.
“My analyses use both primary and secondary data”, explains the researcher. “The analyses were mainly based on data from the Central Statistical Office. There were approximately 8 thousand cases of one-person household budgets. The analyses covered a period of five years. Additionally, I carried out my own survey among citizens of Płock and the Płock County living in one-person households. The survey interviewed 414 people.”
Respondents were asked to fill in a questionnaire. They answered questions concerning the level of satisfaction of various consumption needs, including food, healthcare, recreation and culture, as well as socially responsible consumer behaviors and key factors determining the choice of specific goods or services.
Financial situation
“The research has highlighted the presence of income disparities, with better-off households having experienced greater improvement of their financial situation than poorer households. This is a sign of growing inequalities between the more and the less affluent”, explains Marlena Piekut.
Research clearly shows the diversity of singles as a social group.
“On the one hand, they often demonstrate service focused consumption patterns, presenting a challenge for authorities, who have to arrange appropriate public spaces for them to be able to enjoy cultural or recreational activities”, says Marlena Piekut. “On the other hand, there are also one-person households whose income range and levels of need satisfaction might be indicative of social exclusion in certain areas of life.”
Even though recent years have witnessed a general increase in services expenditures (including eating out, accommodation, recreation or culture), this is due to high category spend in a limited group of people. “A considerable proportion of one-person households (mainly people over the age of 50, living in smaller towns, with primary level education) reports none or very low expenditure on this category”, emphasizes Piekut. “For example, at least 90% of one-person households report zero expenditure on education, which may be disturbing, especially when it concerns young people under the age of 30.”
Different motivations
The differences also concern factors influencing consumer decisions of one-person households. “Apparently, price is the most important determinant of purchasing decisions, which actually confirms the difficult income situation of many one-person households”, Piekut points out.
Younger, better educated respondents living in cities were generally more likely to select products and services on the basis of criteria such as fashion, brand or the desire to stand out.
Who will benefit from the results?
In the past, studies of one-person households were conducted in major cities. However, the quality of life in metropolitan areas differs considerably from that typical of smaller towns. Thus, Marlena Piekut’s research introduces a new perspective on the knowledge available so far.
The results may prove valuable for scientists, students or economists.
“The growing number and the share of one-person households in the total population makes them an important subject of scientific research”, says Piekut. “Politicians, marketers, business owners and economists need information on one-person households to be able to better understand and influence the decisions of people living on their own. Considering systematic changes in their quality of life and consumer behaviors is of great importance for policy making in the areas of combating poverty or promoting social welfare, as well as for designing goods and services tailored to the needs of different consumer groups.”
More information on one-person households will be available soon in a book by Marlena Piekut entitled: “Jednoosobowe gospodarstwa domowe w Polsce. Uwarunkowania funkcjonowania, tendencje zmian” (One-person households in Poland. Conditions, determinants and trends), Wydawnictwo CeDeWu, Warsaw 2019.
The project was implemented in the years 2018-2019.
The project was funded from a research grant awarded in a competition organized by the President of Płock under the task “Cooperation with higher education institutions”.
Agnieszka Kapela
Promotion and Information Office