New quality of nanomaterials

Photo of Agnieszka Krawczyńska, PhD

Agnieszka Krawczyńska, PhD

Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Vienna will be working on a new method of heat treatment of materials. This will allow for more effective creation of microstructures with greater thermal stability and desired properties.

Nanostructured materials – or those with microstructure elements of less than 100 nm – are known, among others, for their high strength. However, the problem is their limited malleability and thermal stability. How to remedy that? The challenge was taken up by Agnieszka Krawczyńska, PhD, Eng., from the Faculty of Materials Engineering at WUT.

– ‘In our project, selected nanomaterials will be produced as a result of large deformation, and speaking more precisely – using high-pressure twisting – currently, the most effective method of grain fragmentation’ – explains the researcher.

Such deformed samples will be annealed (i.e. heat treated) in an unconventional and conventional manner, for comparison.

– ‘We have put forward a new, innovative method – annealing under high hydrostatic pressure’ – Agnieszka Krawczyńska, PhD, Eng., points out. – ‘In relation to other methods, in this process we control an additional parameter – pressure. And this gives the opportunity to further optimise the properties of nanomaterials’.

Researchers have already found out how this method works, because such annealing was carried out, for example, on nanostructured austenitic steel. The results turned out to be promising.

– ‘This opens up the possibility of creating new materials that respond to the needs and challenges of a changing world' – says Agnieszka Krawczyńska, PhD, Eng.

The project "Shaping nanomaterials as a result of annealing under high pressure" led by Agnieszka Krawczyńska, PhD, Eng., from the Faculty of Materials Engineering of the WUT received funding in the Weave-UNISONO National Science Centre competition for activities carried out in cooperation with researchers from Austria. Our researchers will work with the team of Daria Setman, PhD, from the University of Vienna.

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