OK! BOOMER with funding from the National Science Centre

Graphics showing the matrix

photo pixabay.com, author: geralt

A project of WUT researchers was awarded funding in an international competition Weave-UNISONO conducted by the National Science Centre. Our researchers will cooperate with a team from Austria.

The BOOMER project, i.e., ”Boolean Methods, Expectations, Resolvents, Free Probability” is led by Kamil Szpojankowski, PhD, from the WUT Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, as well as Professor Franz Lehner from Graz University of Technology.

– We are going to study issues related to free probability. This is a “noncommutative version” of classical probability theory. This is an area closely connected with the theory of random matrices, so it comes in useful in fields such as statistics, machine learning or wireless communication – explains Kamil Szpojankowski, PhD.

Within the project scientists will look for new tools to find function distributions free from random variables.

– This will enable us to understand these distributions better, and so maintain the range of large random matrices, a fundamental issue in many practical problems – stresses Kamil Szpojankowski, PhD.

Picture of Kamil Szpojankowski, PhD

Kamil Szpojankowski, PhD

The idea of the competition Weave-UNISONO is to involve scientists from two or three European countries – Poland and Austria, Czechia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Luxemburg or Belgium-Flanders. The BOOMER project is the first winner of this year’s edition. The application was evaluated by the Austrian agency Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung as the leading agency.

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