Power Engineering Science Club Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary

phot. BPI

Forms filled by Club candidates one or several dozen years ago contained entries for average grades or even whether the candidate had a computer. Today, enthusiasm, commitment and desire to work are more important at the beginning. Young power engineers learn how to make their own structures, but also gain administrative experience and contacts with people in the industry.

In 1966, the TV series “Czterej pancerni i pies” (Four Tank-men and a Dog) began airing, World Trade Centre’s construction began in the United States, and Mao Zedong initiated the cultural revolution in China. In France, on the other hand, the world’s first tidal power plant was commissioned. That year also saw the beginning of the Power Engineering Science Club at the Warsaw University of Technology, one of the oldest student organizations at our University.

The Club consists mainly of students of power engineering. Some of them were practically doomed to such studies. “In July, I submitted all the documents for my studies. In August, on my birthday, I went to the website of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering and saw that it was the Power Engineer’s Day”, says Kamil Kubiński, PESC Board Member in charge of projects.

Nevertheless, the Club’s members also include people from different faculties: Electrical Engineering, Chemistry or Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering. “We don’t look at what a person is studying, only what they want to do”, says Artur Juchniewicz, PESC Vice President and Board Member in charge of human resources. “You don’t have to begin by building a gas turbine vol. 4”, adds Małgorzata Oleszczuk, President.


However, it’s difficult not to notice that lately PESC members have been working on their own construction projects. “We build our own devices to show people how it all works”, explains Kamil Kubiński. “We built two gas turbines; in the second one we utilized components that were used in the first one. Based on this turbine, we created the model of a power plant, or rather – a gas combined heat and power plant. We also built the model of a fluidized-bed boiler and a wind turbine. Recently, we’ve also created the model of a power grid powered by a Pelton wheel. Now we want to build a third gas turbine operating in a closed system, i.e. very compact, small, but also much more complicated.

This project was already recognized at the Exposition of Innovative Student Constructions organized by the WUT’s Independent Students' Union. Various science clubs operating at our University present their ideas during this event.

Working with such constructions is an opportunity for students to gain practical experience, test their ideas, display creativity and innovative approach.

Science Promoters

“We execute technical projects and more”, stresses Agnieszka Zyga, PESC Board Member in charge of organization and finance.

This holiday, we’ve launched the website for the Energy Investments project. It shows information about all investments carried out in Polish power engineering industry. “We’ve received words that companies use our website when creating presentations”, says Artur Juchniewicz. “It’s a great feeling – we’re students, and we influence the industry”.

The Power Engineering Science Club also organizes Oxford debates, conferences and trips. You can say that it’s part of tradition. And they’re important factors that tie the group together and strengthen identification with the Club.

“In late 2014, when I had been a member of the Club for two months, the coordinator of the Oxford debate left to study abroad”, Małgorzata Oleszczuk reminisces. “Before that, he proposed that I run this project. That was some obligation. The debate was on nuclear power and we’ve been organizing it jointly with PGE EJ1 [the company in charge of building the first Polish nuclear power plant]. It quickly taught me how to move about the world of administration. The debate turned out to be a success. We gathered a large crowd. Guests included a lady from the Ministry of Economy, PGE representatives, our staff from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering...”

“Also, we all remember the scientific and technical conference in October last year”, says Damian Artyszak, Club Board Member in charge of promotion. “We toured the entire Central Europe: Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia. We visited power plants and watched how it all looks in practice. It was an incredible adventure”.

“At the University there is no chance to see such plants and speak with people working there”, adds Agnieszka Zyga.

Members of the Power Engineering Science Club and their constructions can be seen at picnics, festivals and open days. Noise of a gas turbine always catches the interest of guests. “We’ve been approaching the popularization of science for a few years now”, explains Damian Artyszak. “We prepare special attractions for children. Last time, at the 20th Festival of Science, we showed the kids where the electricity in a socket comes from”.


On 5 November 2016, the Power Engineering Science Club will formally celebrate its 50th anniversary. A day before, the Polish Conference of Young Power Engineers will take place. A form was set up at the PESC website. Current and former members of the Club can register there. This includes people who belonged to the organization in 1969 or 1975. They remember PESC, and PESC remembers them. Prof. Józef Portacha, PhD (Eng.) can be largely credited with this. He was PESC’s adviser in 1971-2009, and he is currently the Honorary Club Adviser. He thoroughly documented the organization’s activities, and that’s why today’s PESC archives are so large and varied.

“When I talked with people from different clubs at picnics, and they said that they were operating for e.g. a few months, I proudly said – ‘and we’ve been operating for 50 years’”, Kamil Kubiński admits.


Agnieszka Kapela

Office for Promotion and Information

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