
January 16, 2018

Professor Rajmund Bacewicz, PhD, DSc, Vice-Rector for Research signs and submits the declaration of support for the principles and guidelines contained in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

May 14, 2018

Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology professor Jan Szmidt, PhD, DSc by Decision No. 69/2018 appoints a Team for the Implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

May 14, 2018

Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology entrusts substantive supervision over the work of the Team to professor Wojciech Wawrzyński, PhD, DSc, Vice-Rector for General Affairs

May 15, 2018

Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology professor Jan Szmidt, PhD, DSc, appoints twenty Plenipotentiaries for the Implementation of the HRS4R strategy and the OTM-R policy (link to the website)

June 6, 2018 – December 10, 2018

Professor Wojciech Wawrzyński, PhD, DSc, Vice-Rector for General Affairs supervises the work of the Implementation Team.

January 31, 2019

WUT Rector professor Jan Szmidt, PhD, DSc approves of the prepared application documentation, including the Action Plan and the HRS4R Strategy.

October - November 2020

WUT Rector professor Krzysztof Zaremba, PhD, DSc takes steps to optimise the process aimed at obtaining the HR Excellence in Research Award by the Warsaw University of Technology. To that end he appointed a Steering Committee and a Monitoring Committee. 

Detailed work schedule                         

June 6, 2018

The meeting objective:  

  • presentation of the assumptions of the planned implementation and the benefits of obtaining the HR Excellence in Research award,  

The meeting results:     

  • preparation of the meetings schedule, and sending it the Team members for approval,
  • analysis of national and institutional legislation in terms of the implementation of the Excellence Research in Research award at the Warsaw University of Technology, approx. 150 legal acts were identified and will be analysed for compliance with the principles of the Charter and the Code.
  • preliminary development of a questionnaire for researchers,
  • setting the date of the pilot survey among the Team members and Plenipotentiaries by June 8, 2018,
  • establishing the deadline for sending the questionnaire to university employees by 11/06/2018,
  • preparation of the website concept dedicated to the implementation of the HRS4R Strategy and the OTM-R policy by 04/07/2018,
  • taking an initiative to launch an intranet in order to facilitate efficient flow of information between all members involved in the implementation process,
  • initiating work to design materials informing the academic community about the implementation activities undertaken by the Warsaw University of Technology
  • setting the dates of subsequent meetings on June 8, 2018 and July 4, 2018.

June 8, 2018

The meeting objective:

  • carrying out the pilot survey among the Implementation Team members,
  • carrying out the pilot survey among the Plenipotentiaries,

The meeting results:

         until 10/06/2018:

  • submitting comments and introducing possible corrections to the questionnaire and the survey process,
  • preparing the content of invitations to participate in the survey,
  • creating a mailing list for sending the survey,
  • setting the deadline for sending the online survey for June 6, 2018,
  • setting the dates of reminders to complete the survey for: June 18, 2018, June 25, 2018, June 28, 2018


July 4, 2018

The meeting objective:

  • analysis of the conducted survey process,
  • preliminary presentation of research results.

The meeting results:

  • analysis of the research results in relation to the specific objective: determining the compliance of the provisions of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, with the practices applied at WUT according to the university researchers.
  • analysis of the research results in relation to the specific objective: determining the compliance of the provisions of the European Charter for Researchers in the area: general principles and requirements for researches with the practices applied at WUT according to the university researchers.
  • analysis of the research results in relation to the specific objective: determining the compliance of the provisions of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers: general principles and requirements with the practices applied at WUT according to the university researchers,
  • setting deadlines: by July 30, 2018, preparing and sending the survey for doctoral students to the members of the Implementation Team, until August 10, 2018: carrying out the pilot survey, submitting comments and introducing corrections to the questionnaire.The date of the survey for doctoral students was established: September 17, 2018 - October 22, 2018 and the monit dates for: September 24, 2018, October 1, 2018, October 8, 2018, October 15, 2018, 
  • the following meeting was scheduled for Semptember 12, 2018

September 12, 2018

The meeting objective:

  • information about the conducted survey research
  • criterion analysis: General principles and requirements for researches

The meeting results:

  • it was indicated that in this criterion the survey covered 12 areas,
  • a detailed analysis of the responses was made: “I agree”, “I rather agree”, “I'm not sure”, “I rather disagree”, “I disagree” - in relation to the respondents’ group, age and gender,
  • conclusions were formulated indicating that over 80% of positive responses concerned areas such as: research freedom; ethical principles; professional responsibility; dissemination, exploitation of results; accountability; principles of good practice in research; continuing professional development. It was found that these areas do not require corrective action
  • a conclusion was formulated for a more favorable assessment of the implementation of research work compared to organizational matters,
  • corrective actions were proposed in areas where the percentage of positive responses was less than 60%;
  • the following meeting was scheduled for October 8, 2018

October 8, 2018

The meeting objective:

  • criterion analysis: General principles and requirements for employers and grant funders

The meeting results:

  • it was indicated that this criterion covered 19 areas,
  • a detailed analysis of the responses was made: “I agree”, “I rather agree”, “I'm not sure”, “I rather disagree”, “I disagree” - in relation to the respondents’ group, age and gender,
  • conclusions were formulated stressing that funding and salary criteria obtained the most positive responses. The next most favourable ones were: the principle of non-discrimination, employee evaluation systems, the influence on the decision-making bodies.
  • conclusions were formulated regarding the areas where the percentage of positive responses was less than 80%, and corrective actions were proposed,
  • the following meeting was scheduled for October 22, 2018

October 22, 2018

The meeting objective:

  • criterion analysis: The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers

The meeting results:

  • it was indicated that this criterion covered 9 areas,
  • a detailed analysis of the responses was made: “I agree”, “I rather agree”, “I'm not sure”, “I rather disagree”, “I disagree” - in relation to the respondents’ group, age and gender,
  • with regard to recruitment processes, transparency and clear rules were most favourably rated by the respondents.
  • conclusions were formulated regarding the areas where the percentage of positive responses was less than 60%, and corrective actions were proposed,
  • the following meeting was scheduled for November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018

The meeting objective:

  • designing the concept of preparation of a report to the European Commission

The meeting results:

  • conclusions were formulated recommending the promotion of existing solutions at the university, in particular with regard to intellectual property rights, employee development through a wide range of training courses, seminars and other forms of improving qualifications,
  • identified trends following from the survey in relation to the position held, age and seniority,
  • a conclusion was reached that a characteristic pattern of the answers provided by the respondents divided by gender is the more frequent use of firm answers on the edge of the scale by women and more frequent use of the middle of the scale by men.
  • conclusions were formulated that out of all 40 criteria, the most positive responses concerned WUT standards regarding funding, freedom of research, applied ethical principles, professional accountability and non-discrimination.
  • as a result of the analysis of national and institutional legal acts, conclusions were formulated and included in the report, and a catalog of good practices implemented at the university was identified,
  • the following meeting was scheduled on December 10, 2018

December 10, 2018

The meeting objective:

  • analysis of identified gaps and planned actions for the HRS4R strategy and the OTM-R policy

The meeting results:

  • summary of activities performed so far,
  • determining the final version of the report for submission to the Steering Committee,
  • setting the deadline for completion of consultations, submitted comments and supplements to the report  by January 15, 2019,
  • setting the date of submitting the Gap Analysis & OTM-R, Action Plan to the EC for 01/02/2019
  • submitting the Gap Analysis (Charter and Code Checklist) & OTM-R, Action Plan to the EC via the EURAXESS platform,

October - November 2020

The purpose of the undertaken actions:

  • quantitative and qualitative update of documentation related to the process aiming to obtain the HR Excellence in Research Award by the Warsaw University of Technology.

The results of the undertaken actions:

  • appointing a Steering Committee, a Monitoring Committee, and a Coordinator for the Implementation of the HRS4R and OTM-R policy at Warsaw University of Technology.
  • updating data on the university profile as of December 31, 2019 in the scope of: the number of researchers, doctoral students and the other students, funds for research, information about the university,
  • updating the schedule of individual measures as part of the implementation,
  • updating indicators monitoring the implementation of individual measures,
  • preparing information for the website of the Warsaw University of Technology dedicated to the implementation of the HRS4R Strategy and the OTM-R Policy in Polish and English,
  • preparing an abridged version of the report on the survey conducted.
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