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An Italian town designed by WUT students

Colors of Elini project

Colors of Elini project, authors: Julia Bujak, Maria Paczóska, Ezgi Sopaoglu and Aleksandra Warowna

Julia Bujak, Maria Paczóska, Ezgi Sopaoglu, and Aleksandra Warowna from the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology proposed changes in Elini – a small village in Sardinia. They received a distinction for their concept in the international Culture Stations competition, organized by the Young Architects Competitions platform.

The central point of the project is the narrow gauge railway station. Our students transformed it into a place full of culture with a variety of activities that will enliven the town and encourage people to visit it.

The authors divided Elini into three zones: MIND, BODY and SOUL. They treated them as areas with different functions.

In the MIND zone, they have created spaces for an exhibition about the village's history, social meetings, greenhouses and multi-functional spaces (used for performances or as places to relax). The new buildings were designed in a wooden skeleton structure with installed ropes.

– The most important feature of the concept is that the buildings can be arranged depending on the user's needs, as the structure allows the ropes to be moved – the students emphasize.

The BODY zone focuses primarily on basic human needs.

– The key here is to focus on sleep, the satisfaction of hunger, and proper physical activity – the authors explain.

They proposed, among other things, reconstructing communal buildings that do not match the style of the entire village and covering them with a wooden structure with ropes.

The SOUL zone's primary premise is to construct an exhibition place in the forest.

– It is a place for contemplation of nature, diversified with colorful elements of local handicrafts placed on trees – the architects describe. – Because it is further away from Elini, this zone is a perfect complement to the BODY zone, which allows visitors to take a reflective walk.

Colors of Elini project, the MIND, SOUL, BODY zones design

The Colors of Elini project, the MIND, BODY, SOUL zones design, authors: Julia Bujak, Maria Paczóska, Ezgi Sopaoglu and Aleksandra Warowna

More information about the Culture Stations competition and our students' project is available on the architekturaibiznes.pl website