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Architecture students have success in international competition

The zootopia project created by WUT students

The concept is based on equalising the social status of humans and animals, and is by Zofia Zimowska, Hanna Batyńska and Aleksander Barnaś 

Zofia Zimowska, Hanna Batyńska and Aleksander Barnaś take second place in the 120 Hours competition, organised by the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Our students are the only representatives of Poland recognised by the jury.

The participants only had 120 hours to prepare a project which responds to a complex and socially relevant problem. This year’s topic was a vision of dystopia and utopia.

Fist year WUT Faculty of Architecture students prepared a project called “Zootopia”. Their idea is based around the suffering of animals today. They presented it as a modern-day dystopia. By asking themselves the question “what would animals want to change about their fate if given a voice?” they created a utopia based on equalising the social status of humans and animals. The concept modifies urban public transport. As well as this, industrial farming is shut down, and there is easier access to drinking water. As a result, the wellbeing of not only animals would improve. People would also benefit by beginning to notice better air quality, decreased environmental pollution and better wellbeing thanks to excluding meat from their diet. By including animals in the community, there emerges an image of utopia, full of harmony and reconciliation.  

The zootopia project created by WUT students

In zootopia, roofs of skyscrapers are covered with gardens. It’s by Zofia Zimowska, Hanna Batyńska and Aleksander Barnaś

The 120 Hours competition has been organised since 2010. The idea was originally from three architecture students from Oslo. In the following years, it gained popularity and prestige. Today, 120 HOURS has become one of the largest architecture competitions in the world.

You can find more information about the competition and awarded projects here: 120hours.no