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Motor Sports Students Research Club – Automotive Enthusiasts

LOTUS is their trademark – a vehicle based on Lotus Super-7’s design solutions, with a deep orange body. It is the only student car from the University with a certificate of roadworthiness. Now they are working on a buggy – a light recreational vehicle with large wheels and thick tyres, durable suspension, and exposed engine placed in the back.

The Motor Sports Students Research Club has been operating at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering since 2009; Tomasz Mydłowski, FACME doctoral student and one of LOTUS’s creators, is the club’s current adviser. In 2015, a group of enthusiasts has joined the club, reactivating its operations after a short hiatus, and decided to build an MTV (Multi-Terrain Vehicle). At first, they wanted to use it to participate in Baja SAE in the United States. However, due to limited funds and excessive technical requirements, they were forced to abandon this idea. But the competition was not the most important thing for them. According to the students, their goal is to implement solutions they’ve been learning about at the University, and to test their ideas in practice.

“At first, we had the idea to build a universal vehicle: for foresters, emergency or military services”, explains Kamil Lepalczyk, a student of mechatronics atFACME. “Later, the project evolved in the direction of sports, but we still plan to equip it with e.g. a snowplough, so the vehicle could be used by the faculty”.

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