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How to predict the popularity of content on the Internet?

This question has been puzzling millions of people all over the world. And the answer is brought by scientists. For two years now, this issue has been researched by Tomasz Trzciński, Ph.D. Eng., of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology.

It all started from a cooperation with a US media concern as part of a project implemented together with the company Tooploox, within which Tomasz Trzciński manages his own research team. 'Films published by the concern on social media have an aggregate number of 9 billion views a month,' says the researcher from the University of Technology. 'The company always wants to know in advance whether given content will be as popular as assumed.'

Tomasz Trzciński has involved students from his Faculty to work on the project. The initiative has resulted in a few dissertations, scientific articles and Internet applications which allow users to upload a video and check its chances of becoming popular on the Internet. Eventually, one researcher came across a project of another researcher. 'I learned about RENOIR project, which consists in promoting information propagation on social media,' says Trzciński. 'His superior is prof. Janusz Hołyst of the Faculty of Physics.'

And thus an inter-department cooperation was established at Warsaw University of Technology. Specialists from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology joined forces with physicists and researchers from the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences led by prof. Przemysław Biecek. The exchange of experiences resulted in the proposal to spend a month at Stanford University - one of the partners of RENOIR project. Tomasz Trzciński will spend the whole August there. 'I want to promote the effects of our actions and to look for ways to further develop our cooperation,' he says.

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