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Crisis Management Team at WUT regarding Ukraine

Photo of the person looking at the tasks on the blackboard

fot. Elena Mozhvilo / Unsplash

The Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology has set up a crisis management team whose purpose is to plan and manage the implementation of coordinated and systemic aid activities of the University for the Ukrainian nation and members of our academic community from Ukraine.

In the first place, measures are taken to provide accommodation and material support for families of students, doctoral students and employees of the Warsaw University of Technology of Ukrainian nationality. In the next steps, solutions will be implemented that will allow us to help students, doctoral students and employees of Ukrainian universities in the continuation of their studies as well as didactic and research work.

- In recent days I have had dozens of talks with members of our academic community, who expressed their willingness to help Ukraine and offered various forms of support - said prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, Rector of WUT. - Thank you very much for all these expressions of solidarity with our Ukrainian neighbors and friends. The crisis management team I have appointed is to help coordinate all activities and diagnose needs, provide information and offer the most effective help. I am convinced that together we can do more. 

More information on the activities of WUT in the tab WUT in solidarity of Ukraine