Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research visiting our University

Grigory V. Trubnikov met with the representatives of Warsaw scientific institutions involved in cooperation with JINR
The project of the NICA accelerator and detector complex and the activities of the NICA-PL consortium were the main topics of the meeting with Grigory V. Trubnikov - Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, who visited the Warsaw University of Technology.
During the meeting, Prof. Adam Kisiel, WUT's Plenipotentiary for JINR Cooperation, presented the state of implementation of the NICA accelerator and detector complex project at JINR, as well as the operations of the NICA-PL consortium, bringing together seven Polish scientific institutions doing research in this complex. Poland's contribution as a JINR member in implementing the Institute's projects, including NICA, was highlighted. A plan for significant development of these activities was also outlined, including the program of international internships for students of WUT and other Polish universities at JINR.
The meeting was attended by Prof. Adam Woźniak, Vice-Rector for Development, Prof. Wojciech Wróbel, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Prof. Gerard Cybulski, Dean of the Faculty of Mechatronics, as well as representatives of other Warsaw scientific institutions involved in cooperation with JINR: director of the National Centre for Nuclear Research, Prof. Krzysztof Kurek with a delegation, director of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Prof. Andrzej Chmielewski, Vice-Rector for Development of the University of Warsaw, Prof. Zygmunt Lalak with a delegation and deputy director of the Heavy Ion Laboratory of the University of Warsaw, Paweł Napiorkowski, PhD.