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ENHANCE Summer School inauguration

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Register for the keynote lectures opening the "Green Campus" project.

Climate change is the motto of our first ENHANCE SUMMER SCHOOL organized on 15-28.09.2021. Two enthusiasts will introduce us to the secrets of this issue, its complexity and diversity:

  • Aleksandra Arcipowska – a graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, representative of the Circular Economy and Industrial Leadership Unit of Joint Research Center of the European Commission, consultant, and research analyst for several European think tanks and NGOs in the field of climate and energy
  • Laura Wirtavuori – a graduate of industrial engineering and management at Aalto University in Finland, currently working at Idea Square at CERN. She helps young innovators make a difference towards sustainable development goals.

Registration for the two keynote lectures is open: summerschool.enhance.pw.edu.pl.