Forest aid

According to data from the European Commission, 340,000 hectares of forests were burnt in Europe in 2020, photo: pixabay
Forest fires have become a real plague in recent years. How to prevent them? Researchers from dozens of international institutions, including the Warsaw University of Technology, will look for solutions.
- As part of the initiatives for environmental protection undertaken in Europe, we are launching the SILVANUS project, which will help to intensify efforts to prevent fire and make forests resistant to harmful climate changes - says Wojciech Mazurczyk, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, leading a team of Polish researchers invited to the project.
49 partners are involved in the project: institutions, universities, research centers and commercial companies.
- Together, we will build a system that will allow not only to effectively manage firefighting operations on a global scale, but we will make the risk of fires more predictable, which will help in rescue operations - emphasizes Wojciech Mazurczyk, PhD, DSc,. - I am convinced that in this way we contribute to saving our natural environment.
From analysis to innovative sensors
In the first phase of the SILVANUS project, researchers will analyze the data, fully integrate it and create new information sets on global forest fires, climate models, weather data and tools for observing the Earth's surface. Then, intelligent models will be prepared to predict fires in forest areas. Researchers will also develop algorithms calculating the scale of damage. Complicated IT technology, combined with the existing observation tools, will allow for such deployment of forces and resources to minimize the risk of fires and effectively manage the entire firefighting operation.
The project will also develop innovative sensor technologies. Thanks to the use of wireless communication and the coordination of unmanned aerial vehicles and autonomous ground robots, it will be possible to send information necessary for effective forest management on a global scale. This process will be attended by specialists of all kinds: engineers, environmental technicians and representatives of social sciences.
To gain knowledge and to educate
The SILVANUS project will also involve firefighters and residents who face the dangers of forest fires on a daily basis. The knowledge and experience of these people will be extremely important to assess fire risk indicators and develop training for firefighters. In the materials, researchers will use virtual and augmented reality as well as simulations of real life-saving environments and scenarios.
There are also plans for a mobile app to engage citizens and automatic notifications of security practices.
Contribution of the University of Technology
The team from the Institute of Computer Science of our Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology will be responsible in the project primarily for the development and implementation of the communication part, allowing for safe and reliable transfer of data from devices located in forest areas to mobile command centers.
Researchers from Warsaw University of Technology will also participate in the construction of innovative sensors.
While waiting for the tests
Pilot implementations of the developed solutions are to take place over the next two years. The system will be tested in eight European countries, as well as Indonesia, Brazil and Australia - countries most exposed to large forest fires.
The SILVANUS project is implemented under the European Union's Horizon 2020 program.
More information about the project on the website of Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology