Harry Potter would study at the Warsaw University of Technology - new blog entry

Quidditch is a co-ed sport – a team of 7 may have a maximum of 4 players of one gender, photo: Facebook
The players of Warsaw Mermaids, whose members include four students of the Warsaw University of Technology, practise two times a week, in the evenings. One session lasts around 3 hours and it is always held outdoors, even in winter.
The whistle of a bludger flying just an inch away from your ear, a chase after the opponent several dozen meters above the ground and, finally, there it is on the horizon – small, glistening and extremely valuable – the golden snitch. You make a dash for it, outstripping the seeker from the opposing team. You catch the small ball, ending the game. Your team has just scored 150 points and won an important game. This is what it looked like in the magical world of Harry Potter. And what does it look like among the muggles?
“A volleyball serves as the quaffle,” explains Michał Glinka, a fourth-year student from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology. “It is the ball used by the keeper and the three chasers in each team. They are running around the pitch, passing the ball among themselves. By throwing the quaffle through a hoop, from either side, the team scores 10 points, just like in J.K. Rowling’s books. Red dodgeballs are used as bludgers. There are three bludgers and four beaters on the pitch, two in each team.
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