“I go to Ministry meetings by bike” - a new blog entry

Rector Walo ran the Ekiden Relay Marathon on May 12, 2018, source: Twitter ProrektorPW
A WUT professor, community activist and cycling enthusiast. In 2016, he was appointed WUT Vice-Rector for Student Affairs. In the new blog entry, Janusz Walo tells us about his standard day and when he can relax.
He has been part of the Warsaw University of Technology since 1986, the year he started his diploma course - I lived in a student dormitory at Grenadierów - says Janusz Walo. - WUT held that facility on lease from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW). It was a small and nice place. The atmosphere was very nice or even homey, perhaps, because it was the living quarters of virtually no one else but my Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography folks. We set up our own student club in the building.
To read more check WUTsquare blog.