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Join the JEMARO program at WUT

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Japan-Europe Master on Advanced Robotics enables each of its students to study both in Europe (first year of the studies) and in Japan (second year of the studies). Learn more about the offer.

The JEMARO Master's programme is a high-quality educational offer in the area of advanced and intelligent robotics. By mastering Mathematical Modeling, Control Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Design, students are able to deal with robotic systems as a whole.

Through lectures by reputable researchers, practical work on the latest experimental platforms, sessions with industrial specialists, annual workshops, JEMARO students acquire the most advanced knowledge that will prepare them for the upcoming challenges in robotics, more specifically in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Applications are open! You can register until January 31st, 2022. Best applicants are offered scholarships covering the tuition fee and living costs (including travel).

Warsaw University of Technology is one of three European Universities running this program. To learn more about joining WUT for the JEMARO program, please contact Professor Teresa Zielińska.

For the details, please check the JEMARO website.