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New Chancellor of the Warsaw University of Technology

Photo of Jolanta Ewartowska, ThD

Jolanta Ewartowska, ThD, photo: Anna Szwaja

Our University has a new Chancellor. Jolanta Ewartowska, ThD, was elected to this position in the competition.

In the near future, the WUT Chancellor wants to identify the most crucial needs of the university community, look for solutions for the activities of the central administration, create and support active and involved teams of the University of Technology.

– Life will draw my professional plans for the future – I am open to what will happen around me, and I do not stubbornly adhere to my intentions – says Jolanta Ewartowska.

Jolanta Ewartowska is a doctor of theology. She defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Theological anthropology of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. The theological and dogmatic study” in 2004 at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. In 2012, she completed bachelor's studies in management at the Kozminski University in Warsaw, and in 2019 – master's studies in finance and accounting at the same university. She also completed postgraduate studies in the field of European Union Structural Funds at the UKSW (2004), Annual Postgraduate Management Studies at the Warsaw School of Economics (2009) and Executive Master of Business Administration studies at the University of Warsaw. It has a project management certificate issued by the International Project Management Association (IPMA Level D).

In 2008-2014, she served as an alternate member of the Monitoring Committee of the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazovian Voivodeship. In 2003-2014, she was employed at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, where she was promoted from the position of administrative clerk to deputy chancellor. In 2010-2012, she was the chancellor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, and in 2014-2019 – the chancellor of the the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. In the years 2020 – 2021, she dealt with public procurement at the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Otwock-Świerk.

– In my professional work, I follow the principle of searching for solutions and improving activities – says Jolanta Ewartowska.

The Chancellor likes to spend her free time reading (non-fiction, crime and sensational novels) and on mountain hikes.