Our Song and Dance Ensemble with the Grand Prix of the virtual Golden Dance festival

Photo from the award-winning performance of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Warsaw University of Technology BPI
The representatives of the Warsaw University of Technology delighted the jury with their performance of the mazurka from The Haunted Manor, which took place in December 2019, as part of the show “I am not creating anything new. In tribute to Stanisław Moniuszko on the 200th anniversary of his birth".
The two-hour concert was attended by all the artistic groups of our University: The Engineers Band, the Academic Choir of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Theater of the Warsaw University of Technology. ZPiT PW (Song and Dance Ensemble of the Warsaw University of Technology) danced a mazurka to music and live singing on that day. The choreography was prepared by the Manager of the Ensemble - Janusz Chojecki.
The Festival Golden Dance jest organized by Euro Folk Academy from Bulgaria. 50 competitors from all over the world took part in the competition.
You can watch a fragment of the award-winning performance here.