Our graduate awarded in the LOT Polish Airlines competition

96 award applications were sent in, photo: PLL LOT
Hubert Buczyński was among the laureates of the 1st National Competition for the best diploma thesis (BA/BSc or MA thesis) on passenger aviation and cargo transport.
Our graduate received a distinction for his master's thesis "Credibility analysis of the AHRS avionic system using WAIC technology" implemented at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology under the supervision of Iwona Bluemke, PhD, Assistant Professor.
Hubert Buczyński described the process of creating the AHRS system and examined the use of wireless communication in avionics. He created a fully functional device for which he designed and made the mechanical and electronic part as well as software. The project was created in cooperation with pilots.
The competition was organized by LOT Polish Airlines. 96 award applications were sent in.