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Our graduates are on the list of young Poles who conquer the world

Graphics presenting people on this year's "30 under 30" list

graphics: "Forbes"

This year's "30 under 30" list prepared by "Forbes" includes people who graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology.

The list includes talented entrepreneurs, investors, innovators, and managers - future business leaders.

This year, the selection was made from around 600 candidates. First, 100 candidates were singled out from this group, and then a 24-person jury composed of entrepreneurs, investors, industry experts, as well as members of the "Forbes" editorial team chose the winners.

Our graduates on the "30 under 30" list:

Diana Koziarska – a partner in the Polish-American venture capital fund SMOK Ventures (on the market since 2019, with over 20 successful investments, including solar roofs, an identity verification system, and a platform for gaming streamers), co-founder of the ReaktorX accelerator for beginner entrepreneurs, Startup Poland ambassador, a graduate of the Faculty of Physics.

Photo of Diana Koziarska

Diana Koziarska

Radosław Kulesza, Sebastian Langa, Dawid Leśniakiewicz, and Piotr Pełka - the founders of the Coding Giants school - one of the largest Polish educational networks, where children and teenagers learn the secrets of coding. Currently, the courses are held in over 120 locations (in Poland, as well as in Slovakia, Croatia, Spain, Chile, and Mexico). Authors of children's books on coding, and organizers of events promoting programming ("Code with Giants", "School with Giants"). Graduates of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology.

Photo of Dawid Leśniakiewicz, Sebastian Langa, Radosław Kulesza and Piotr Pełka

Dawid Leśniakiewicz, Sebastian Langa, Radosław Kulesza and Piotr Pełka

Paweł Radziszewski - Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Nevomo (formerly Hyper Poland) - a company that wants to adapt the existing infrastructure and railway connections to the needs of the magrail magnetic railway, which can travel at a speed of 350–550 km/h. An expert in the field of aerodynamics, autonomous platforms, and control systems. At Nevomo, he is responsible for the capsule design team. He won international technology competitions (e.g. SAE Aero Design West in Los Angeles in all categories), was the leader of the team that reached the finals of the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition twice, and participated in research and development grants. A graduate of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering.

Photo of Paweł Radziszewski

Paweł Radziszewski

The full list of "30 under 30" is available in the paper edition of "Forbes" and on the forbes.pl website