Solemn session of the Senate as part of the WUT Day

In his address on the WUT Day, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba noted that tradition for the Warsaw University of Technology is not an anchor that keeps us in place, but a compass.
On the occasion of the Warsaw University of Technology Day, November 15, 2021, a solemn session of the WUT Senate was held. State decorations, prizes in the Siemens Award Competition and the M. Wolfke's Prize were all presented at the ceremony.
November 15 is an important date in the calendar of our University. On that day in 1915, the first academic year began with Polish as the language of instruction.
Tradition as a compass
– This is a special date for us – it is one of those days of the year when we want to highlight not only our many years of tradition but also the continuity of the Warsaw University of Technology and the strength of our academic community, which effectively counteracts the challenges posed by history, as well as by the present day. – said Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology.
The Rector of Warsaw University of Technology stressed that tradition is a factor that determines our identity and therefore it is important not to forego the memory of important dates.
– At the same time, the tradition for the Warsaw University of Technology is not an anchor that keeps us in place – he emphasized. – In our case, It is more of a compass that points us in the right direction as we navigate the sea of change brought on by the reality. I am convinced that we are making good use of it.
On the occasion of the WUT Day, the Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, sent a letter to the University Authorities and the entire community. During the ceremonial session of the Senate, it was read out by Anna Czajczyk, the minister's advisor. "Particular attention should be paid to the involvement of university authorities, especially in adapting scientific research to the real needs of the economy and deepening cooperation with the business community," Przemysław Czarnek wrote in the letter.
State decorations
–We also gathered today (...) to thank those who every day put enormous effort into the development of science, as well as in the functioning and development of our University – emphasized Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, Rector of WUT. – The state decorations and scientific awards presented today are an expression of our gratitude, accompanied by words of our appreciation.
The Gold Cross of Merit was awarded to Prof. Elżbieta Malinowska, PhD, DSc, Eng. from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT, and the Silver Crosses of Merit to: Krzysztof Koszewski, PhD. (Arch) - Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology, Ryszard Maroński, PhD, DSc. Eng., university professor from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology and Wojciech Orciuch, PhD, Eng – Vice-Dean for Development of the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering. Decorations, awarded for services rendered to the State or to citizens, were presented by Artur Standowicz, the Voivode of Mazovia.
The group of the distinguished included members of the WUT academic community, who received Medals for Long Service: 18 Gold, 14 Silver and 10 Bronze. They are awarded to people who perform the duties connected with their professional work in the service of the State in an exemplary and extremely conscientious way.
During the event, awards were also presented in the 26th Siemens Award Competition for researchers and research teams, the 11th Siemens Award Competition for Graduates in the field of Automation and Robotics and the 5th Siemens Award Competition for Graduates in the field of Electrical Engineering. The results of the competitions were announced in October.
– Since Siemens has changed over these 26 years, our shape and needs have changed as well, we will want to propose a slightly redefined format of the competition starting from next year, so that the winners can even more effectively establish cooperation in the implementation of their projects in real industrial solutions – announced Mariusz Konradciuk, head of the Smart Infrastructure department at Siemens Polska. – This year, I would like to congratulate all the winners and laureates and wish them continued success in their professional careers.
Prof. Andrzej Czyżewski from the Gdańsk University of Technology, who alongside his team received a research award in the competition, spoke on behalf of the laureates.
– Technical universities differ from traditional ones in a significant way – he emphasized. – Universities of technology meet all the requirements for universities, but they attract people who wish to make a contribution to production, not only for the society but also for the industry. Appreciating us in this area is the fulfillment of our aspirations, dreams and expectations.
During the formal session of the Senate, Mieczysław Wolfke's Scientific Award of the Warsaw University of Technology for outstanding scientific publications was also presented. It was received by team members from the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering: Artur Małolepszy, PhD, Marta Mazurkiewicz-Pawlicka, PhD, Eng., and Leszek Stobiński, PhD, DSc.