Successes in the architecture competition

Prof. Bolesław Stelmach and Stanisław Tomaszewski, photo: The National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning
The jury of the “Common space is a value” (Przestrzeń wspólna jest wartością) competition by The National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning awarded three works created at our Faculty of Architecture.
The main prize in the design master's thesis category was awarded to Stanisław Tomaszewski for the thesis entitled "Revival of the degraded areas of the city exemplified by Huta Warsaw" (thesis supervisor: Prof. PhD. Eng. Arch. Sławomir Gzell)
The award was granted for a successful attempt to restore the degraded post-industrial areas of Huta Warszawa to the city and its inhabitants.
The project, supported by extensive analyzes carried out on various urban scales, is a concept of building a housing structure as the basic component of urban layouts. It enriches basic design decisions on an urban scale with interesting examples of public space solutions and communication routes.
Two honorable mentions were also granted in the same category, both to graduates of the Warsaw University of Technology.
Agnieszka Barańska received it for her work entitled "Linear wastelands as a chance for a development of a city-wide public space strategy. The linear park design located along the road reserve of “Trasa Tysiąclecia” in Warsaw " (thesis supervisor: Artur Jerzy Filip, PhD, Eng. of Architecture).
The project was distinguished for identifying the problem of restoring the continuity of the city's urban structures by indicating, on the example of Warsaw, various ways of developing its linear wasteland, now places of spatial incoherence and areas of social disintegration.
Katarzyna Gromek was awarded for her work entitled “Urban acupuncture as an instrument supporting city renewal. The concept of micro-intervention in the right-bank part of Warsaw "(thesis supervisor: Agnieszka Wośko-Czeranowska, PhD, Eng. of Architecture).
The honorable mention was awarded for an interesting attempt to merge disintegrated urban layouts through low-budget functional and spatial interventions, which are within the reach of the residents' realization possibilities.
The National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning Award Common space is a value is a competition for graduates of Master degree studies. Its aim is to promote the best diplomas and motivate students to take up the subjects of common and public spaces as well as public facilities in their master's theses. The award is granted in two categories: design and theory.