The IDUB programme at WUT receives a positive evaluation

The Warsaw University of Technology is one of the 10 universities participating in the IDUB programme
The mid-term evaluation results of the first edition of the "Excellence Initiative – Research University" (IDUB) programme are made public. Experts positively evaluated all the participating universities, including the Warsaw University of Technology.
Thanks to the IDUB programme, 10 Polish universities selected in the 2019 competition will receive a subsidy increased by 10 percent in the years 2020-2026. This will serve the purpose of helping them compete with top academic centers in Europe and worldwide. The supported institutions include: AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Jagiellonian University, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, University of Warsaw, and University of Wrocław.
At the Warsaw University of Technology, the IDUB programme has led to the establishment of Research Centres in Priority Research Areas, offering grants for projects, additional funding for international scientific trips, preparation of publications, student activities, PhD scholarships, support for technology transfer, and university start-ups, along with modern teaching methods.
All the universities participating in the first edition of the IDUB programme underwent a mid-term evaluation in 2023, including self-assessment reports, evaluation by an international expert team, identifying priorities to be considered during expert visits to the universities' premises, evaluation by the expert team following the visit, preparing the final evaluation proposals based on the assessments before and after the visits, and preparing the final evaluations that were provided to the universities.
The evaluation concludes with either a positive or negative rating, without creating a ranking list. The expert team positively assessed all universities.
In a letter to the Minister of Science, the international evaluation team highlighted the noticeable change process at universities and appreciated these efforts at both the university and national levels. They noted that each participating university has its unique history and starting point for transformation.
The summary of the letter included the following:
"The international expert team commends the Ministry and the country for maintaining the IDUB programme, and the universities for their significant progress in implementing the IDUB concept under challenging external conditions caused by pandemic-related disruptions and a deteriorating geopolitical situation. The legal, economic, and social environment of universities is rapidly changing, and universities face the challenge of quickly altering structures and organizational culture that have been institutionalized for decades. Nonetheless, the team found strong evidence that IDUB funding has facilitated significant cultural changes and substantially developed the university system".
– The positive evaluation is a reason for joy for the entire community of the Warsaw University of Technology – emphasizes the WUT Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba. – The dint of hard work and commitment of staff, students, and doctoral candidates have been recognized by the experts. I am also pleased that we can continue using the increased subsidy, which contributes to the development of our University.