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The student dormitory becomes a shelter for Ukrainian refugees

Photo of the dormitory

Student Dormitory "Wcześniak"

Warsaw University of Technology's Branch in Płock supports the local government, providing shelter for people fleeing from Ukraine. 100 places have been prepared in the Student Dormitory "Wcześniak".

WUT's Branch in Płock Student Dormitory "Wcześniak" has prepared 100 beds in double rooms and offered social rooms. Refugees from Ukraine are already accommodated in the dormitory. A canteen and a playground for children have also been set up by the "Filip" Student Club.

Both Warsaw University of Technology students and the administrative staff of the Student Dormitory "Wcześniak" have shown a great commitment in receiving refugees. They handle the majority of the organizational work related to accommodation, as well as the distribution of meals and gifts, and our Ukrainian students who live in the dormitory assist in communication with refugees.

–  All assistance activities for such a huge group of people in need, including the elderly and children, run very smoothly, thanks to the enormous work of the academic community of the Warsaw University of Technology Branch in Pock. – emphasizes Prof. Renata Walczak, Vice-Rector for Branch in Płock.