Universal Design Center was established at our University

Universal Design Center was officially opened during the conference, which took place on October 22, 2021
Its main tasks include assisting in the development of accessibility policy at the University and outside of it, conducting innovative, interdisciplinary research, preparing expert opinions, training, education, and awareness.
The Center operates at the Faculty of Architecture, but other WUT faculties may also join the cooperation.
– We want to bring in experts from various fields and together take care of shaping the space in such a way that it is accessible and functional for everyone, regardless of disabilities and limitations – explains Krystyna Solarek, PhD, Eng. of Architecture, Vice-Dean for Science and Development at the Faculty of Architecture.
The exchange of knowledge and experience is essential for design to be truly universal. The point is, after all, to take into account the needs of recipients, existing standards, and good practices, and also include various areas: from buildings and places to services and products. Proper education is extremely important in this process. Its key element is the awareness that you cannot create truly accessible solutions without the involvement of the people they are meant to serve.
The Universal Design Center was established as part of the "Warsaw University of Technology as the Innovation Ambassador for Accessibility" project, co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund (Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, Priority Axis III – Higher education for economy and development, Measure 3.5. Comprehensive programmes of higher education institutions). It began its activity with a conference that took place on October 22, 2021, at the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management. Invited guests from Poland and abroad shared their experiences and research on the topic of accessibility, while researchers and students from Warsaw University of Technology discussed their projects that fit within the newly created center's aims.
– We have a lot of work ahead of us, but I believe that together, step by step, we will achieve new goals – emphasizes prof. Krystyna Solarek. – Providing accessibility is opening up to the needs of another person. Universal design that serves this goal is our common duty and an ethical challenge of the present day.