WUT Christmas Fair is over!

We wish to thank the donors - thanks to you we can fund Christmas Tree Scholarships for our exceptional students and postgraduates!
We would like to thank everyone who took part in our event and joined the fundraiser for the Christmas tree scholarships.
Those were amazing two days - on December 2 and 3, a festive atmosphere reigned in the square in front of the Main Building. It was ensured by the unique decor and a large number of visitors to the fair at WUT Square.
In one of the wooden houses that decorated the area in front of the Main Building, in exchange for donations, our guests could receive unique engineering gadgets. The WUT Rector and a team of Vice-Rectors served as fundraisers, advising donors and... answering engineering questions. During the Christmas Fair we collected PLN 27 420,60. The money raised will be used for a good cause: next year's scholarships for highly active Warsaw University of Technology students and postgraduates who are involved in promoting science and creating a positive image of their university.
This year's scholarships were funded by the donors of the 2019 WUT Christmas Fair (unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the event could not be organized in 2020). The awards were presented on the first day of the fair — the diplomas and gifts were presented to the winners by Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, as well as Prof. Robert Zalewski, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs.
On that day, a surprise appeared on the facade of the Main Building — Christmas illumination, which attracted the attention of our fair visitors and passers-by. The original lighting will accompany us for the next few weeks.
We hope that next year we will also be able to meet with the WUT community and locals during the next edition of our Christmas event.