WUT and MUW together for health

The Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba and the Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong
With the development of biotechnology and biomedical engineering in mind, the Warsaw University of Technology and Medical University of Warsaw have signed an agreement on scientific cooperation.
Combining the strengths of scientific centres and the interdisciplinarity of teams implementing projects in the field of biotechnology and biomedical engineering are the key to significant progress in this area.
An agreement on this matter was signed by the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, Prof Krzysztof Zaremba, and the Rector of the Medical University of Warsaw, Prof Zbigniew Gaciong.
– Research in the field of health problems, and in particular the development of diagnostic techniques, new medicines and regenerative medicine, is the dominant research area of many medical universities, and should also be extended to technical universities – says Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology. – A healthy, sustainable living environment is one of the pillars of the WUT Development Strategy – he emphasises.
Both universities will jointly identify strategic research areas and develop cooperation between scientific teams. They want the solutions they develop to be used on a larger scale in the biotechnology industry and clinical activities. The agreement also aims to help researchers from the public and private sectors develop effective solutions to improve population health and advance science. As part of the collaboration, WUT and MUW will also pursue joint academic programmes.