WUT delegation at ENHANCE+ Kick-Off at TU Berlin

ENHANCE+ Steering Committee meeting with the participation of Prof. Jan Słyk and Grzegorz Robak, photo: Naveed Syed
More than 130 representatives of the ten ENHANCE+ partner universities met in Berlin on February 22-23, 2024, to officially inaugurate the new phase of the project. It continues the activities carried out by the Warsaw University of Technology and the partner universities in the ENHANCE project in 2020-2023. The implementation time of ENHANCE+ covers the years 2023-2027.
The event was attended by a 15-member delegation from the Warsaw University of Technology. Representatives of our Univeristy made presentations at the ENHANCE+ Steering Committee meeting and actively participated in the discussions of all ten work packages. They were devoted to key issues for the Alliance, such as European Educational Pathways, New Formats and Frameworks, education in the context of the needs of new generations (Future Learning), Future Skills, and Task Force Ukraine. Our delegation participated in the meetings of 3 clusters: Innovative Organization, Future Knowledge and One Campus. The clusters consist of several thematically related work packages. Special sessions were held for Core Officers, Communication Officers and Work Package Leads.
Each partner university coordinates one work package. Warsaw University of Technology is the coordinator of WP8 "New Formats and Frameworks", headed by Prof. Andrzej Kraśniewski from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, manages Task Force Ukraine, led by Dr. Katarzyna Zambrzycka-Papuda from the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, and carries out many of the relevant tasks in each package.
– The meeting in Berlin opens a new, fuller perspective of Warsaw University of Technology's participation in the European Universities project – says Prof. Jan Słyk, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, member of the ENHANCE+ Steering Committee. – After building the organisational structure and mechanisms of cooperation, the time has come to fulfill the content of the One Campus idea. I am convinced that thanks to the joint efforts of 10 European Universities, the ENHANCE Alliance will soon become a real platform for cooperation between students, teachers and the entire community of our universities.
One of the highlights of the inaugural meeting was the ENHANCE Conversations. These are periodic meetings of entrepreneurs, politicians and scientists who seek innovative solutions to the challenges of our civilisation. This year's event was focused on future skills. The conversation featured Prof. Ena Voûte, Vice-Rector for International Affairs at the Delft University of Technology, Prof. Jose Monserrat del Rio, Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Communication at the Valencia University of Technology, and Katrin Redmann, Chief Operating Officer of SAP Labs Paris. The video is available on the ENHANCE YouTube channel.
The WUT delegation at the meeting in Berlin consisted of Prof. Jan Słyk – WUT Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, member of the ENHANCE+ Steering Committee, Prof. Andrzej Kraśniewski – leader of the "New Formats and Frameworks" work package in the ENHANCE+, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Grzegorz Robak – Director of the Center for International Cooperation, ENHANCE+ Core Officer at WUT, Dr Eng. Daniel Paczesny – Director of the OKNO Distance-Learning Centre, Grzegorz Ganczewski – ENHANCE+ Project Coordinator at the Centre for Development Projects, Mateusz Kaska, Co-Chair of the ENHANCE+ Student Forum, Katarzyna Krawczyk from the Centre for Development Projects, Prof. Robert Olszewski from the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Dr Eng. Piotr Pałka from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Prof. Agnieszka Skala from the Faculty of Management, Anna Smulska from the Center for International Cooperation, Dr Eng. Adam Styk from the Faculty of Mechatronics, Piotr Szczepański from the Center for International Cooperation, Dr Katarzyna Zambrzycka-Papuda from the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, and Dr Eng. Izabela Żółtowska from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology.