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WUT graduate among the winners of the Archiprix International

phot. www.archiprix.org

Katarzyna Pankowska, the graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology, with her project City's Thermal Bath. Balancing body, mind and soul became one of the eight winners of the Archiprix International Hunter Douglas Award 2017.

From the 385 graduation projects designed by 469 young architects, landscape architects and urban designers that were submitted for the Archiprix International Ahmedabad 2017, an international jury nominated 23 projects for the 2017 Hunter Douglas Archiprix Awards.  8 out of these nominees were selected and announced at the award ceremony on Friday, 10 February on the campus of CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India

-  Among the many projects we saw that repurpose old structures by giving them new life and meaning, this is the project best explored - summed the project up jury of the contest.


More information about the contest:  www.archiprix.org/2017