WUT technologies at EXPO 2017

phot. expo2017astana.com
This year innovative ideas from all over the world will be presented in Astana, Kazakhstan, during the EXPO 2017.
The Warsaw University of Technology will present the innovative system of optimization of the coal combustion process in the power boilers.
The symbolic heart of the exhibition is pavilion “Energy Best Practices Area”. Among 22 institutions from all over the world that will present their innovative energy solutions, one is from Poland – from the Warsaw University of Technology. Researchers from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering will present the artificial intelligence system that optimizes the work of the powerhouse, reduces emission of harmful gases and increases ability of energy production. The solution called SILO is a good example of efforts made to obtain clean coal technologies.
- The system works out in power plants, placed in Poland, USA, South Korea, China, Taiwan- underlines Professor Konrad Świrski Ph.D D.Sc. – Right now we can talk about 46 implementations in different types of power boilers. Our solution not only proves a high potential of Polish science but also is an example for an effective commercialization of research results.
Scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology, as well as experts from the Transition Technologies S.A, worked on the system development. During the EXPO 2017, WUT will be represented by Prof. Konrad Świrski, Konrad Wojdan PhD, D.Sc and Łukasz Śladewski M.Sc.
The international EXPO is held in Astana from 10 of June till 10 of September.
Poland participates under the banner “Poland: creative people, smart energy”. The exhibition space of 397.53 m2, will be filled with the Polish interpretation of the theme of the Exhibition – “Energy of the Future”.