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Warsaw University of Technology in the CWUR ranking

Photo of the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology

The CWUR ranking is based on four main criteria

In the latest edition of The Center for World University Ranking, Warsaw University of Technology ranked 711th in the world and maintained its fifth place in the country, trailing three universities and one research institute.

The CWUR rating was created using data from 19,788 universities and research centers. On its basis, a list of 2, 000 of the world's best universities and scientific institutions was compiled, including 40 from Poland. Our country's best universities are Jagiellonian University (381st place), the University of Warsaw (402nd place), and the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow (590th place).

In addition, the Warsaw University of Technology was classified 347th in the criterion of the quality of education. This is the best result among Polish universities.

The ranking was dominated by American universities. In the top 20, there are as many as 16 of them. Three leading positions were taken by Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University.

CWUR is created based on four main criteria These include: the quality of education (measured by the number of graduates who have obtained prestigious academic distinctions), alumni employment (measured by the number of graduates in executive positions in global companies), quality of faculty (measured by the number of academic staff with prestigious distinctions), research performance (measured by the total number of research papers, the number of research papers published in the best journals, the influence of these publications, and the number of citations).

Full results are available on the CWUR website