We hosted the ENHANCE Board of Directors and Steering Committee

Participants of the ENHANCE Alliance Leadership Meeting in the Main Hall of the Warsaw University of Technology
During the two-day ENHANCE Alliance Leadership Meeting, which took place on 12 and 13 May, rectors, vice-rectors and guests from partner universities discussed the strategic directions of the ENHANCE consortium until 2030 in the context of the "Strategy for European Universities" developed by the European Commission.
In the speech opening the event, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, summed up the first 18 months of the ENHANCE program. — We see the first satisfactory results. A common educational strategy, implementation of micro-qualifications, staff weeks, summer schools and language tandems are just some of them. Many projects are at an advanced stage of implementation. I am convinced that our meeting in Warsaw and subsequent meetings will result in the preparation of valuable projects for the next application for funding — said the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology.
The guests were also welcomed by Prof. Anne Borg, Rector of NTNU Trondheim and Chair of the ENHANCE Board of Directors.
An important part of the meeting was a workshop devoted to the strategic directions of the consortium's development. Their participants discussed the key objectives of the ENHANCE program in view of the new competition for 'European Universities,’ and discussed the components of the extended mission and the ENHANCE work packages.
The expert speech was delivered remotely by Prof. Mr Rik Van de Walle, President of the CESAER association and Rector of Ghent University In his presentation, he provided an expert insight into the field of education and research as well as the ENLIGHT consortium's experience and key achievements in the "European Universities" program.
Andrij Deszczycia, Ambassador of Ukraine to Poland, was a special guest of the ENHANCE Alliance Leadership Meeting.
Agreement with the Technische Universität Berlin
The consortium meeting was an opportunity to extend the agreement on strategic cooperation between the Warsaw University of Technology and Technische Universitat Berlin, which has been a strategic partner of the Warsaw University of Technology since 2012. A document enabling further cooperation in the field of joint projects and joint studies, as well as exchanges of students and teaching staff, was signed on 13 May. The contract is valid until 2027.
More information about ENHANCE can be found at enhanceuniversity.eu.