Fighting cybercrime
For almost 10 years scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology have been dealing with methods used by cybercriminals to hide data. They wanted, however, to use this knowledge in practice and thus improve the security of ordinary Internet users. This will soon be possible through the initiative of Wojciech Mazurczyk, PhD, Eng., of the Institute of Telecommunications of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology.
In the summer of 2015 he decided to tell experts from Europol about his research and ideas. He wanted to take advantage of his stay at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. “I was living in the Hague and almost every day I drove past the headquarters of various organisations whose work is related to security and cybersecurity,” he says. “I thought that I might never have the opportunity to be so close to such institutions. I found contact details for several people from Europol and sent them an article on the development trends in hiding information.”
The article “Information Hiding as a Challenge for Malware Detection”, written in cooperation with Luca Caviglione, PhD, from CNR in Italy, appeared in the March-April issue of the prestigious “IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine” journal.
Idea for cooperation
Mazurczyk didn't receive an answer to the message he sent to Europol staff for a long time. Finally, at the end of his stay in the Netherlands, he was invited to a series of meetings. “The entrance to the building was like those at airports: guards, search...,” he reminisces. “One of the employees came to escort me. We're walking and talking, then we enter the room, and there are ten people waiting, each wearing a tie and with a laptop. And here I am sitting in front of them, a researcher from Poland in the only, let's say, half-formal shirt that I took on the trip. And I start explaining.”
WUT'S researchers work on a range of scientific topics which are explored in different areas and on different scale. Often the outcome of these helps with development of new technologies or everyday products to come into being.