Business - Innovations - Technology (BIT of WUT)

We are proud to present the intellectual potential of WUT’s students, graduates and employees in the new folder entitled “Business - Innovations – Technology”

Warsaw University of Technology has researchers working on a range of scientific topics which are explored in different areas and on different scale. Often the outcome of these helps with development of new technologies or everyday products to come into being.

Here we would like to present the diversity of topics which are of interest to WUT’s researchers.

How to shorten rehabilitation time after a fracture?

Opublikowano: 11/07/2023 4:12 pm

Photo of a broken leg a doctor holding an x-ray

PhD students from the Warsaw University of Technology have figured out how to make recovery from a limb fracture shorter and less strenuous. In their PulseLAYERS project, they decided to use printed electrostimulation layers.

WUT PhD students want to support cancer treatment

Opublikowano: 10/07/2023 8:41 am

Photo of the measurement of lymphocytes using holographic microscopy

A team of young scientists wants to use holographic microscopy to monitor immunotherapy. Work is currently underway to develop a prototype solution.

"BioCommunity" – an energy cooperative for village inhabitants

Opublikowano: 07/07/2023 3:26 pm

Photo of students from the Student Research Group of Bioeconomy during presentation

How to ensure energy independence in villages? Students from the Student Research Group of Bioeconomy have come up with an idea and they ran in the competition Bio-based Innovation Student Challenge Europe (BISC-E).

Innovative system for e-fuel synthesis

Opublikowano: 04/07/2023 9:22 am

Photo showing a screen with the presentation and a team leader

Green transport at your fingertips? Thanks to a project by PhD students from the Warsaw University of Technology, it is possible.

Students have invented a device to help drowning people

Opublikowano: 04/07/2023 8:56 am

Photo of a drowning person

The project by Michal Karelus and Michal Niedzielczyk from the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering consists of an inflatable rescue buoy and an ejection system. Its important advantage is that providing assistance does not require direct contact with the victim.

This idea will support pulmonary rehabilitation

Opublikowano: 28/06/2023 10:16 am

Photo of four people - pd meds team -  creators of the Notos solution

Doctoral students from the Warsaw University of Technology came up with the idea how to support patients struggling to regain their health and fitness after oxygen therapy. The solution uses simple tools and… gamification.

New method of designing energy-efficient houses

Opublikowano: 21/06/2023 4:59 pm

Drawing showing the main assumptions of the project WiseBuild

WiseBuild – a digital conceptual solutions assistant – allows clients to actively participate in designing their own energy-efficient house. It is an alternative to catalogue designs, invented as part of a Master’s thesis at the PW Faculty of Architecture. The author is Damian Granosik.

WUT researchers involved in the study of Jupiter

Opublikowano: 16/06/2023 4:07 pm

Graphics presenting Jupiter

This is one of the most notable space projects of recent months. JUICE is an unmanned spacecraft designed to provide information about Jupiter and its moons. The project involves Polish companies, universities and institutions, including the Warsaw University of Technology.

A new alloy can withstand extreme conditions

Opublikowano: 12/06/2023 9:01 am

Structure of the alloy W29.4Ta42.0V16.1Cr5.0Hf7.5 obtained with Monte Carlo simulations, based on ab initio calculations for four different temperatures: 300 K, 620 K, 1000 K and 1500 K

It is nanocrystalline, fireproof and has high entropy. Thanks to this it may be used, for example, in nuclear power engineering or space industry. Such alloy is studied by an international research team, which includes a researcher from the Warsaw University of Technology.

WUT's scientists will train robotics specialists from India

Opublikowano: 30/05/2023 1:26 pm

Photo of electrical technicians working on electronic parts

Robotics can help solve many problems in various sectors of Indian economy, for example in agriculture or transport. First, specialists in this area are needed, which will be catered for by an international consortium the Warsaw University of Technology is a member of.

Modern technologies help monuments in Będzin

Opublikowano: 25/05/2023 9:18 am

Photo of the research team conducting work in front of the historic palace

Using modern geoinformation technologies, a team from the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography will check the technical condition of the historic buildings of the Museum of Zagłebie in Będzin.

New method for the production of quantum dots of zinc oxide

Opublikowano: 15/05/2023 10:34 am

Photo of members of the research team from the Faculty of Chemistry

Nanocrystalline forms of zinc oxide demonstrate great application potential in optoelectronic and photovoltaic technologies. They can be used in medicine and nanodiagnostics, as well as as a luminescent pigment for paints and varnishes. A new method of producing this type of materials has been developed by WUT researchers.

The first urban aquaponic farm in Poland

Opublikowano: 28/04/2023 9:48 am

Photo of the first urban aquaponic farm in Poland

Fresh, healthy and organically produced food right next to the house, and - on top of that - right in the city center – that is the main advantage of AquaFarm, which has opened in Wrocław. The undertaking was part of a Polish-Norwegian project in which the Warsaw University of Technology participates.

Glasses for the spine

Opublikowano: 17/04/2023 8:26 am

Photo of the prototype of the glasses’ overlay

Interesting project of our student

An idea for effective removal of the radioactive element

Opublikowano: 28/03/2023 8:29 am

Photo of Artur Kasprzak, PhD

How can the toxicity of cesium, which is frequently used but dangerous both for people and the environment, be dealt with? What can help are nanomaterials containing sumanene. Artur Kasprzak, PhD, from the Faculty of Chemistry at the Warsaw University of Technology is currently working on it. He is the only researcher in the world who specializes in such a use of this compound.

PhD students from WUT invented a rapid test for Lassa virus

Opublikowano: 22/03/2023 8:23 am

Photo of the rapid test for Lassa virus

It is biodegradable and provides the result after 15 minutes – such a test detecting the virus that causes Lassa hemorrhagic fever was developed by a team of PhD students from the Warsaw University of Technology.  

Our researchers want to increase the efficiency of photovoltaic cells

Opublikowano: 22/03/2023 8:18 am

Photo of photovoltaic panel

Only a relatively small fraction of the solar radiation falling on photovoltaic cells produces energy. The rest of the energy is lost, mainly in the form of heat. Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology are working on a material with a negative refractive index, which will not only reduce the heating of the cell, but will also increase the efficiency of energy generation.

Better logistics to help to save urban energy

Opublikowano: 07/03/2023 3:27 pm

Photo of the smart city

Scientists at the Warsaw University of Technology and their foreign partners want to create a platform that will minimise the consumption of energy necessary to deliver goods and services to residents. It will be a central element of modern urban logistics.

An idea from PW can save children’s lives

Opublikowano: 24/02/2023 8:32 am

Photo of the team who is working on the project

A team from the Warsaw University of Technology is working on a device to monitor the vital signs of infants during sleep. The invention is designed to detect signals of cot death and enable a quick response. The project has just been awarded in the thirteenth edition of the nationwide “Student-Inventor” competition.

The LIFT application will help passengers of the Warsaw metro

Opublikowano: 10/02/2023 9:50 am

photo of a person in a wheelchair in front of the gates at the Warsaw metro station

Getting to train or metro stations and moving inside these facilities is often a challenge, especially for persons with special needs. Now PW students want to do their bit to help.

Warsaw University of Technology for new generation electronics

Opublikowano: 10/02/2023 8:16 am

Photo of the processor

New equipment and new possibilities

A buckle that can save a life

Opublikowano: 30/01/2023 8:48 am

The photo of HEMAWI team

Sometimes the simplest solutions can make a big difference. WUT students have developed a seatbelt buckle that makes it possible to undo a seatbelt even when the standard mechanism breaks down.

A student vision of the expansion of Płock zoo

Opublikowano: 20/01/2023 2:49 pm

Visualization of the expansion of the zoo in Płock

Students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry have developed a concept for the expansion of the Municipal Zoological Garden in Płock. New facilities with a leisure zone would be built on the slope of the Vistula River escarpment. 

How not to give in to too much information?

Opublikowano: 19/01/2023 8:26 am

Photo of the room filled with seated people

New international project coordinated by WUT

Work on the PW-Sat3 satellite is drawing to a close

Opublikowano: 13/01/2023 10:30 am

Visualisation showing the PW-Sat3 satellite in space

The launch of the third student satellite from the Warsaw University of Technology is planned for early 2024. The main mission of PW-Sat3 will be to test the propulsion system that will make the device burn up faster in the atmosphere, reducing space litter.

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