We are proud to present the intellectual potential of WUT’s students, graduates and employees in the new folder entitled “Business - Innovations – Technology”
Warsaw University of Technology has researchers working on a range of scientific topics which are explored in different areas and on different scale. Often the outcome of these helps with development of new technologies or everyday products to come into being.
Here we would like to present the diversity of topics which are of interest to WUT’s researchers.
Opublikowano: 19/04/2021 11:31 am
They started working on the project in October 2018. As they admit, they were inspired by the successes of their older fellow students - the creators of PW-Sat - the first Polish satellite in space and PW-Sat2, which successfully tested the deorbital sail - a possible solution to the problem of space debris. What are the goals of students working on PW-Sat3?
Opublikowano: 06/04/2021 8:07 pm
Increasing popularity of electric vehicles and growing importance of renewable energy sources have created the necessity to develop new, light, higher-capacity and more efficient energy storage systems, among which the most prominent is electrochemical energy storage (EES).
Opublikowano: 23/03/2021 5:10 pm
The standards of total inhalable dust in the exhaust gases are exceeded many times over, the concentrations of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides are significantly exceeded, the emission of carcinogenic benzo (a) pyrene - these are the main findings of the research on eco-pea coal, which was carried out by a team supervised by Artur Badyda, PhD, DSc Associate Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering.
Opublikowano: 15/03/2021 3:08 pm
Requirements for composite materials used in the industry are getting ever more demanding. Companies are doing their best to gain even the slightest competitive edge and scientists are helping them to do so. Mgr inż. Kamil Dydek, a PhD student at the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering is working hand in hand with his team to develop an innovative solution, which may be applied in aviation, the wind power and automobile industries and even in medicine and sports gear.
Opublikowano: 05/03/2021 8:52 am
Dr hab. Eng. Hanna Zbroszczyk, a WUT Professor from the Faculty of Physics, has won the SONATA BIS competition organized by the National Science Centre. As part of the project, a new team will be created which will focus on astrophysics research.
Opublikowano: 29/01/2021 6:23 pm
A team of researchers associated with the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology are working on a dedicated solution.
Opublikowano: 21/01/2021 5:11 pm
High school students creating genius solutions to make life easier for others? If you think this may happen only in movies or in other countries, be ready for a surprise. This invention was created in Poland, just around the corner.
Opublikowano: 12/01/2021 3:00 pm
Devised to enable hotels to keep growing and gain an edge over competitors, Magly is a project developed by five students from Warsaw-based universities, including three from the Warsaw University of Technology.
Opublikowano: 08/01/2021 11:34 am
Places dominated by concrete surfaces appear environmentally unfriendly and seem to be at odds with the sustainable development ideal. A project by the WUT Faculty of Civil Engineering and F.B.I. Tasbud S.A. may change this perception – all thanks to innovative precast surface elements.
Opublikowano: 04/01/2021 8:59 am
Are long lines in front of COVID-19 testing stations something we just need to get used to? A consortium including the Center for Advanced Materials and Technologies (CEZAMAT) and WUT Faculty of Chemistry has embarked on a project which might help ease the burden on the diagnostic system.
Opublikowano: 11/12/2020 8:50 am
The engine uses fuel gases which have not been combusted in piston engines before. It is distinguished by its exceptionally high efficiency and therefore low CO2 emission rate. This is the engine that is being developed by researchers from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) and their partners from the industry.
Opublikowano: 23/11/2020 2:29 pm
Under the influence of an electric field, it increases its viscosity in a very short time and creates... a solid. This is the main property of the electrorheological fluid. Over the years, it has found a number of applications, but a good theoretical explanation of its creation was missing. Until now. Everything changed thanks to a group from the Faculty of Physics at the Warsaw University of Technology.
Opublikowano: 30/09/2020 4:35 pm
Lightweight, mechanically robust and thermally conductive and, above all, capable of shielding electromagnetic radiation, these are all the qualities of the new polymer nanocomposite that Anna Łapińska, Ph.D., of the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics is working on.
Opublikowano: 05/08/2020 12:25 pm
Investigating the in vitro anticancer and cytotoxic properties of a new family of 2D titanium carbide and nitrate nanocrystals (MXenes) and their effect on cells is the main goal of a project implemented by Agnieszka Jastrzębska, Ph.D., Eng., of the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology.
Opublikowano: 09/07/2020 4:05 pm
Our University is among the winners of the latest Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship Program in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa). As a result, one of our PhD students will be part of a collaborative research project of the Warsaw University of Technology and Microsoft Research Cambridge.
Opublikowano: 10/06/2020 10:02 am
A project led by the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science was submitted for funding in the POLNOR 2019 Call for Polish-Norwegian research projects. It was among the seven successful projects in the Welfare, health and care category.
Opublikowano: 10/06/2020 9:58 am
A consortium of VIGO System, the Łódź University of Technology and the Warsaw University of Technology is responsible for the development and production of the invention.
Opublikowano: 05/06/2020 1:57 pm
The Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering (or more precisely: the Institute of Heat Engineering) is the leader of the MOLCAR project, submitted for funding in the POLNOR CCS 2019 Call for Polish-Norwegian research projects. The project achieved the highest score.
Opublikowano: 05/06/2020 12:35 pm
A group of scientists headed by Prof. Elżbieta Malinowska of the Center for Advanced Materials and Technologies (CEZAMAT) and the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Chemistry are working on diagnostic devices for rapid biomarker testing, including virus detection.
Opublikowano: 27/05/2020 4:24 pm
The 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the development of lithium-ion batteries. This contributed to increased interest in this subject and acceleration of research, including at the Warsaw University of Technology. What battery projects are specialists from our Faculty of Chemistry involved in?
Opublikowano: 18/05/2020 10:46 am
A project led by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology (or more precisely — the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics) was directed for funding in the POLNOR 2019 Call for Polish-Norwegian research projects. Moreover, this project received the highest rating in the Energy, transport and climate field.
Opublikowano: 18/05/2020 10:40 am
The international T2K neutrino physics experiment (Tokai to Kamiokande) has published conclusions from the results of its research in the prestigious scientific journal “Nature” [1]. The authors include a large group of Poles, including team members from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology, headed by Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba. Beside him, the co-authors are: Doctor Robert Kurjata, Doctor Andrzej Rychter and Marcin Ziembicki, MSc.
Opublikowano: 18/05/2020 10:33 am
– I plan to spend next year studying Urban Design, says Zuzanna Jarzyńska from the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology, a winner of the Fulbright Graduate Student Award 2020-21.