We are proud to present the intellectual potential of WUT’s students, graduates and employees in the new folder entitled “Business - Innovations – Technology”
Warsaw University of Technology has researchers working on a range of scientific topics which are explored in different areas and on different scale. Often the outcome of these helps with development of new technologies or everyday products to come into being.
Here we would like to present the diversity of topics which are of interest to WUT’s researchers.
Opublikowano: 19/12/2016 3:36 pm
The team, led by the Warsaw University of Technology Associate Professor Anna Bogdan, PhD (Eng) from the Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering, is conducting a project aimed at making hospitalized patients recover in rooms with better air conditioning and ventilation.
Opublikowano: 12/12/2016 9:38 am
They are all students or former students of the Warsaw University of Technology. Together with the President of the Republic of Poland, they represented our country at the economic mission in Sweden, and their product, the Internet of Robots, came second in the international Robot Launch competition organised by Silicon Valley. As they rather courageously admit, nothing is impossible for them.
Opublikowano: 02/12/2016 3:48 pm
Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology have been working on an automated pollination system for 4 years now. First a mobile version with wheels, and now the flying B-Droid has been garnering considerable interest not only in Poland. That's hardly surprising, as our scientists have developed software for devices that can effectively help bees in their core, from our point of view, activity – pollination.
Opublikowano: 25/11/2016 3:16 pm
It’s June 1939. Henryk Magnuski, a 30-year-old employee of the National Telecommunications and Radio Technology Centre, leaves for New York to see how Americans work on state-of-the-art radio transmitters. He doesn’t know that several months later World War II would begin, changing the course of his life.
Opublikowano: 18/11/2016 2:21 pm
Outages, terrorist attacks, hurrying, not always careful crowds – these are only a few of the threats of commuting by Metro. Members of the Student’s Science Club “Progres” operating at the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences have decided to tackle the issue of safety in the Warsaw Metro. The fruit of their works is the study summary report.
Everything began in autumn last year, when students have opted for more club activities. “We were studying safety administration, so we decided that we would tackle the issue of safety in public transport; especially since safety issues raised a lot of doubts after the opening of the Metro’s second line”, says Paweł Nowak, chief coordinator of the project.
Opublikowano: 14/11/2016 3:22 pm
Scientists from the Department of Mechanics and Armaments Technology of the Faculty of Production Engineering work on new types of ammunition. Their achievements are renowned in Poland and stand out from international competitors.
Opublikowano: 04/11/2016 3:32 pm
Forms filled by Club candidates one or several dozen years ago contained entries for average grades or even whether the candidate had a computer. Today, enthusiasm, commitment and desire to work are more important at the beginning. Young power engineers learn how to make their own structures, but also gain administrative experience and contacts with people in the industry.
Opublikowano: 28/10/2016 4:23 pm
Nowadays, this graduate of the Faculty of Electronics at the Warsaw University of Technology is recognized as one of the creators of the Polish school of electroacoustic music. In the world associated with inspiration, a hard to name or predict flash of genius – a man who reconciled the world of art and the world technology became famous and appreciated. Eugeniusz Rudnik died on 24 October 2016.
Opublikowano: 21/10/2016 2:30 pm
It will hand us a tea cup, check if we left the water running in the bathroom, or even jog our brain – these are just some of the tasks that a properly programmed robot can do. How do we reconcile limitless needs of a user with limited operational capabilities of a small robot?
Opublikowano: 14/10/2016 3:35 pm
Warsaw University of Technology Graduates Talk About Collaborating with Chemistry Nobel Prize Laureates
Opublikowano: 07/10/2016 2:07 pm
He has more than 60 articles and 40 patents in his name. The development of a method for obtaining nitric acid from the air by means of electricity is considered his most important discovery. However, the eminent chemist and inventor swapped an intensive scientific career for a political one.
Opublikowano: 30/09/2016 3:36 pm
The STEM4youth programme’s main goal is to show jobs available to STEM graduates and to illustrate how the development of such courses results in gains for the economy and society. That's why researchers from several EU countries, coordinated by scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology, are developing an e-learning platform and teaching materials, which will show that it pays to study the sciences.
Opublikowano: 23/09/2016 3:49 pm
For many years chemists struggled with creating a simple and efficient method of manufacturing stable quantum dots susceptible to functionalization while retaining their unique luminescent properties. This objective was achieved by the team headed by prof. Janusz Lewiński from the Faculty of Chemistry at the Warsaw University of Technology.
Opublikowano: 16/09/2016 2:03 pm
A smart transformer, which will help save energy and solve the problem of grid failures, is being developed by a team led by D.Sc. Eng. Mariusz Malinowski, associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology.
Opublikowano: 09/09/2016 3:05 pm
Heterophasic functional materials for structural electronics. Sounds confusing, doesn't it? Well, no. Quite the contrary. Marcin Słoma PhD (Eng.) from the Faculty of Mechatronics, has been developing materials which, contrary to what may seem, could make our daily lives easier.
Opublikowano: 02/09/2016 10:05 am
How to quickly, easily and non-invasively measure pulse, check the level of electrolytes, blood sugar, urea, and even hormones? Using biomedical sensors attached to the skin. Andrzej Pepłowski - a PhD student at the Faculty of Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology is working on such a solution.
Opublikowano: 26/08/2016 9:23 am
Five students – two from the Warsaw University of Technology, and three from the Warsaw School of Economics – have created an application that allows people to easily and quickly learn about interesting events organized nearby. Spontap is already being used by approximately 5-6 thousand citizens of a dozen of Polish cities, and by 300-400 event organizers, and the authors have been receiving suggestions that the idea warrants an international release.
Opublikowano: 19/08/2016 9:19 am
The quality of fuel is very important for proper combustion. Knocking combustion, also known as “knock”, is the phenomenon of incorrect combustion of fuels in spark-ignition piston engines. Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology are trying to find a solution to this problem.
Opublikowano: 12/08/2016 1:14 pm
A cell phone falls on the floor. It works, but the cracked screen resembles a spider’s web. This and similar damage can be prevented by using flexible electrodes created by Grzegorz Wróblewski, PhD (Eng.) from the Faculty of Mechatronics at the Warsaw University of Technology.
Opublikowano: 04/08/2016 2:35 pm
Innovative construction thought and wise project management – it’s WUT Solar Boat’s key to success. Students at the Warsaw University of Technology and the Warsaw School of Economics have joined forces to create a team of champions. They draw their energy to keep going from the sun.
Opublikowano: 29/07/2016 9:47 am
Maths can be fun. You only need a bit of effort to convince elementary, middle and high school students. The Warsaw University of Technology professor Przemysław Biecek, DSc (Eng), from the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, has been introducing the “queen of sciences” to children for several years.
Opublikowano: 26/07/2016 2:39 pm
For almost 10 years scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology have been dealing with methods used by cybercriminals to hide data. They wanted, however, to use this knowledge in practice and thus improve the security of ordinary Internet users. This will soon be possible through the initiative of Wojciech Mazurczyk, PhD, Eng., of the Institute of Telecommunications of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology.
Opublikowano: 19/07/2016 11:12 am
Is it possible for a doctor to auscultate patients and look into their throats seeing them only on the screen of a monitor? It is. Robert Jarema MD, PhD and Rafał Dalewski PhD, Eng. from the Warsaw University of Technology have developed an application for remote medical diagnostics.
Opublikowano: 14/07/2016 9:04 am
After classes and at weekends they spend hours in their workshop at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering. You can also find them there during boring lectures, as they admit. Impossible to hold this against them as they regularly receive awards in Shell Eco-marathons.
Opublikowano: 01/07/2016 10:40 am
In the middle of June, during the Graphene Week international conference, eight entities set up the initiative Graphene in Poland with the Warsaw University of Technology being one of them. Research into graphene and attempts to find new applications for this material have been going on for quite some time at our university.