Business - Innovations - Technology (BIT of WUT)

We are proud to present the intellectual potential of WUT’s students, graduates and employees in the new folder entitled “Business - Innovations – Technology”

Warsaw University of Technology has researchers working on a range of scientific topics which are explored in different areas and on different scale. Often the outcome of these helps with development of new technologies or everyday products to come into being.

Here we would like to present the diversity of topics which are of interest to WUT’s researchers.

New nanomethod for surface sterility

Opublikowano: 21/03/2022 9:29 am

Photo of Agnieszka Jastrzębska, Ph.D (Eng) , university professor

Researchers at the Warsaw University of Technology have developed a technology that protects any surface from harmful microorganisms. The solution uses bioactive nanoparticle composites applied in the form of a permanent coating.

Researchers will be improving the antibacterial properties of metals

Opublikowano: 11/03/2022 8:39 am

Photo of Agnieszka Krawczyńska, PhD

The pandemic period has demonstrated more clearly than ever how many health challenges there are. One of these is finding materials that can help limit the transmission of infectious diseases. The answer to this problem will be sought by the team of Agnieszka Krawczyńska, PhD, from the Faculty of Materials Engineering, WUT.

Is it possible to grow the third set of teeth?

Opublikowano: 22/02/2022 3:42 pm

Photo of Agnieszka Gadomska-Gajadhur, DSc PhD Eng. while working in the laboratory

Our researchers will check it out

The application will help you navigate around WUT

Opublikowano: 14/02/2022 9:03 am

Photo showing arrows on the path and shoes

It's here! – perhaps such a message will be heard by the users of the application that will make it easier to navigate in the five buildings of the Warsaw University of Technology. Its concept was created by University employees, taking into account in particular the needs of people with disabilities.

A new concept for observing space objects

Opublikowano: 11/02/2022 8:51 am

Photo of professor Konrad Jędrzejewski

Our researchers have created a solution that will not require the use of specialized transmitters. However, it will allow for quick and precise determination of the position of space stations, satellites, high-speed rockets or even junk collection.

How does photonics help in cancer diagnostics?

Opublikowano: 08/02/2022 8:21 am

Photo of the microscope and hands putting the pan for analysis

Specialists from Belgium and Poland are working on a platform that will detect cancer at a very early stage. For this they use the unique properties of light and carbon nanomaterials. Researchers from the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology are involved in the project.

Extraordinary balloon mission of WUT students

Opublikowano: 01/02/2022 1:40 pm

The team from Student Space Association has qualified for the international BEXUS competition

WUT students created a smart energy meter overlay

Opublikowano: 25/01/2022 11:19 am

Photo of the bulb

Students from the Power Engineers Research Association have created a smart energy meter overlay. The device will facilitate responsible and economical consumption of electrical energy.

Scientific support for the extension of gardens in European cities

Opublikowano: 17/01/2022 1:38 pm

Photo of the roof garden

An international and interdisciplinary team of researchers from Spain, Poland, Romania and Sweden will promote development of city gardens and agroforestry. The work of Polish scientists is managed by Maciej Lasocki, PhD, Arch., from the WUT Faculty of Architecture.

Modern technology will help in asphalt testing

Opublikowano: 11/01/2022 8:48 am

Photo of the sample during the fatigue test in the four-point bending apparatus

Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology want to use artificial neural networks (ANN) to predict the properties of materials used for road surfaces. The project is implemented together with the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Artificial intelligence will take care of the safety of officers and inmates

Opublikowano: 21/12/2021 10:15 am

Photo of surveillance cameras

Researchers from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology are working on a tool to detect undesirable behavior among people in pre-trial detention centers and penitentiaries. The solution is to be based on specially designed algorithms for automatic detection and prediction of events.

Implants developed by our researchers will accelerate bone regeneration

Opublikowano: 16/12/2021 1:23 pm

A photo of the members of the BoneReg research team

The development of two cancellous bone implants that will accelerate the treatment of patients, among others, with osteoporosis - is the goal of the BoneReg project. It is being carried out by a team of researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry at WUT, and can already boast of successes.

Forest aid

Opublikowano: 16/12/2021 11:45 am

Photo of the burning forest

Forest fires have become a real plague in recent years. How to prevent them? Researchers from dozens of international institutions, including the Warsaw University of Technology, will look for solutions.

WUT team wins the international hackaton TomTom n.EXT

Opublikowano: 26/11/2021 8:18 am

Photo of the phone presenting the app Charge&Go

Mateusz Białek, Kamil Choromański and Jakub Łobodecki from the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography created an app which opens up new possibilities for electric car users.

Our students created a modular house

Opublikowano: 09/11/2021 8:26 am

The design of the house adapts to the inhabitants and location

A special award in an international competition

Fly a Rocket! Our student in the European Space Agency program

Opublikowano: 26/10/2021 5:03 pm

Bartosz Źrebiec at Andøya Space

Bartosz Źrebiec, a student of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, was the only representative of a Polish university to qualify for the prestigious ESA program and took part in the student rocket launch campaign.

Staying connected under extreme conditions

Opublikowano: 21/10/2021 2:40 pm

Photo of Mobilny Punkt Dystrybucyjny Infrastruktury Teleinformatycznej (MPDIT)

Researches from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology have developed a prototype of the Mobile Distribution Point of ICT Infrastructure (MPDIT). It is a dedicated vehicle that will be essential in the work of services wherever a critical situation may potentially take place or has already occurred. This includes natural disasters, floods, fires, mass events, large search parties, or even terrorist attacks.

Recycled asphalt road

Opublikowano: 08/10/2021 8:03 am

Photo of the asphalt road

As part of the project carried out with LOTOS Asfalt, the Faculty of Civil Engineering is developing an asphalt binder technology that will allow the reuse of materials from road renovation.

Artificial intelligence will help diagnose lung disease

Opublikowano: 07/09/2021 3:39 pm

Graphics of the XLUNGS project

Scientists from the WUT Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science are working on improving identification of pathological changes visible in lung CT scans and x-rays. The project will aid doctors and patients.

How to grow cress on the moon

Opublikowano: 02/08/2021 2:03 pm

Lunar soil simulant at various stages of terraforming, photo.

In the second half of July, the Swiss mountain Pilatus turned into a space colony, where students from all over the world tested solutions prepared for the IGLUNA project. Among them were young researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology - the creators of the plant breeding module in unfavorable conditions.

Do you want to eat healthily? AI is there to help

Opublikowano: 27/07/2021 4:00 pm

Chefs' app visualization

Students at the Warsaw University of Technology have created Chefs’ – an app for easy management of recipes. Currently, they are developing a new module facilitating meal analysis.

Student support for the development of space tourism

Opublikowano: 07/07/2021 10:27 am

Photo of the Innspace team responsible for the awarded project

The Innspace team, formed, among others, by one of our students, reached the finals of the international Student Aerospace Challenge competition. The team was awarded the Suborbital Day Special Prize for its work on radiation protection for passengers of a suborbital plane.

Student Research Clubs create innovations

Opublikowano: 27/05/2021 9:08 am

Graphics presenting the results of the competition

Our students finalists of a prestigious program

OKOŃ – a WUT student-designed autonomous underwater vehicle

Opublikowano: 13/05/2021 4:57 pm

A visualization of the OKOŃ V2 underwater vehicle – the project received an award in the 2021 Student Construction Competition

The new project by the Robotics Research Group (KNR) team has two main prizes in the national Student Construction Competition under its belt. Let’s take a closer look at OKOŃ!  

Self-healing roads

Opublikowano: 30/04/2021 4:58 pm

Photo of gelatin microcapsules containing the healing agent capable of sealing microcracks in road surface.

It sounds like dreams of drivers and road administrators come true. Our scientists are contributing to the project. Research is underway.

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