Business - Innovations - Technology (BIT of WUT)

We are proud to present the intellectual potential of WUT’s students, graduates and employees in the new folder entitled “Business - Innovations – Technology”

Warsaw University of Technology has researchers working on a range of scientific topics which are explored in different areas and on different scale. Often the outcome of these helps with development of new technologies or everyday products to come into being.

Here we would like to present the diversity of topics which are of interest to WUT’s researchers.

Students from the Warsaw University of Technology want to help the disabled

Opublikowano: 07/07/2017 2:23 pm

To create an application that will make it easier and more convenient for disabled people to move — such is the aim of Civitas team from the ‘Smart City’ Interdepartmental Scientific Group. Our students keep honing their concept and count on support.

JOINT Welding Science Club or How to Make a 3D Printer Out of a Welder

Opublikowano: 30/06/2017 2:19 pm

Nowadays, 3D printing hardly surprises anyone and the Warsaw University of Technology uses it quite often. However, the JOINT Welding Science Club offers an interesting solution—printing metal parts in a way that is completely different from previously used methods. Their welder became a printer. How?

The Incredible Project of the Students from the Faculty of Chemistry

Opublikowano: 26/06/2017 12:48 pm

They discovered the competition by reading the newsletter of the Warsaw University of Technology’s Career Office. ‘We were curious about the task, so we registered on the platform, and so began our journey’, says Dominik Gutowski. The journey ended in Paris with the International Finals of L’Oréal Brandstorm 2017. Or maybe it just began for real?

Driving on the Edge – Meet Hybryda Science Club’s ProjectD

Opublikowano: 06/06/2017 2:42 pm

Drifting began at illegal races on Japan’s mountain tracks. Today, it is officially a sport with an increasingly large number of passionate fans. Students from the Warsaw University of Technology also want to fulfil their dream of participating in a drift championship. Will they make it?

Great prospects of the Virtual Reality Laboratory

Opublikowano: 26/05/2017 3:04 pm

Put on special goggles and find yourself in another world. What you see, hear and experience is so real... It is hard to believe that this reality is created by programmers. Employees and students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science of the Warsaw University of Technology are working on various applications of this technology.

3D Printing Research Circle – they will print whatever you want

Opublikowano: 22/05/2017 4:13 pm

In three weeks they created a full-size openwork replica of the Ferrari Lusso. They did it using 3D pens and this is just one of the many projects, on which they have worked or are still working. The queue of people counting on support for subsequent initiatives is still growing.

The Polish Man Who Sent a Car to the Moon

Opublikowano: 15/05/2017 11:34 am

We look with fascination at our students building satellites, rockets, stratospheric balloons, and Martian rovers. However, the Warsaw University of Technology’s affair with space began much earlier, with Mieczysław Bekker, a WUT graduate.

How to Detect Ice on Roads? Our Students Research This Idea

Opublikowano: 08/05/2017 1:51 pm

Near the end of winter examinations, the students stumbled upon information about a competition organised by Valeo. The deadline was just a few days away. They decided to send an idea they had already discussed and analysed. Their solution is one of 24 propositions from the entire world that qualified to the semi-finals of Valeo Innovation Challenge 2017.

“Planes don’t’ fly without a tape” – WUT students’ air conquest

Opublikowano: 05/05/2017 9:29 am

They are able to build a plane – even from a pizza box. But it took them one year to get ready for the competition. They are the most titled team in the contest history. They are not going to rest on their laurels though. What is the recipe for success of the Interdepartmental Students Research Circle SAE AeroDesign, working at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering?

Super-calculations of the WUT Physicists on a Supercomputer

Opublikowano: 21/04/2017 2:44 pm

 For the first time in history, a Polish research team will work with the largest European supercomputer – Piz Daint. The research group led by Gabriel Wlazłowski, PhD (Eng.) from the Faculty of Physics at the WUT will explore the secrets of superfluidity and superconductivity. Are they preparing a ground-breaking discovery?

Our Man “on Mars”, or How a WUT Student Conquered the Universe

Opublikowano: 18/04/2017 8:27 am

Many leaders, businessmen and scientists dream about conquering the Red Planet. Conditions present on Mars let us think of it as a planet that might be settled one day. However, before we begin exploring Mars once and for all, we must conduct space voyage simulations. Michał Kazaniecki, student at the Warsaw University of Technology, took part in one of such simulations.

Hyperloop – Transport Revolution in the Hands of Students

Opublikowano: 10/04/2017 2:20 pm

Can Polish scientists compete with specialists from wealthier and more developed countries? Of course! Polish students from the Hyper Poland University Team are the proof. The team has qualified for the final stage of the Hyperloop one-person pod construction competition. They are one of four European teams, the only one from Central and Eastern Europe.

Motor Sports Students Research Club – Automotive Enthusiasts

Opublikowano: 27/03/2017 10:03 am

LOTUS is their trademark – a vehicle based on Lotus Super-7’s design solutions, with a deep orange body. It is the only student car from the University with a certificate of roadworthiness. Now they are working on a buggy – a light recreational vehicle with large wheels and thick tyres, durable suspension, and exposed engine placed in the back.

Engineers who tame the space

Opublikowano: 21/03/2017 9:21 am

We can effortlessly find a specific building using modern technologies, but how can we move about an office building several dozen storeys high, a multi-level shopping mall, or a tenement house full of nooks and crannies? A group of specialists, mostly composed of graduates and students of the Warsaw University of Technology, knows how to solve this problem.

Become the Master of Seduction, or How and Where to Look for Information

Opublikowano: 13/03/2017 9:57 am

We often state that if something can’t be found on the Internet, it doesn’t exist. However, are we supposed to believe everything that’s published on forums, blogs, or social media, and then apply it?

What Should I Know About Maria Skłodowska-Curie?

Opublikowano: 03/03/2017 1:14 pm

She took her place in history as the first woman who received the Nobel Prize, and as the first person who received such distinction twice. Even today, her life and work are the subject of legends. Here are selected trivia related to the scientific work of one of the most famous scientists in the world, who was awarded the title of doctor honoris causa of the Warsaw University of Technology in 1926.

Microalgae from the WUT to revolutionize industry?

Opublikowano: 24/02/2017 2:26 pm

Students from the Chemical and Process Engineering Scientific Club at the Warsaw University of Technology have constructed an instrument to test the pressure method for harvesting cultured microalgae for industrial applications. Currently, they are commencing installation tests. “We can likely monetize this, as the project leverages many technologies that can be patented,” Michał Wojtalik, the project coordinator, says.

Physicists Talk about Twitter, or How to Trace Information on the Internet

Opublikowano: 20/02/2017 10:03 am

Once published, information on the Internet never goes away, even though some people would probably like it to. How to find the original sender of a piece of information? Why gossip becomes the most important message of the day, and news that are important to the world disappear in the sea of information? And where did all of this begin? Physicists from the Warsaw University of Technology are currently researching this issue.

Students from the Warsaw University of Technology create a Mobile Liquid Nitrogen Generator

Opublikowano: 13/02/2017 12:17 pm

They needed a source of liquid nitrogen for demonstrations and research. So they decided to construct the necessary device themselves. Ten months later they proudly showed off Nitrogenos to the world. The idea of the Scientific Society of Chemical and Process Engineering is already attracting interest from the industry and has recently won an award at the StRuNa 2016 competition for societies and other student organisations from all over Poland.

When you hear "chemistry", you think “Flogiston”

Opublikowano: 03/02/2017 2:49 pm

They are organizers of international conferences and science festivals; they participate in picnics; they do uncountable shows and workshops. Members of the Warsaw Chemistry Science Club “Flogiston”, operating at the University, use knowledge to show that science can be interesting and enjoyable.

WUT CZIiTT, or How Science Meets Business

Opublikowano: 30/01/2017 11:31 am

A scientist needs a business partner for his project; a company looks for innovative solutions to implement. The scientist does not boast about his research, the company does not want its competitors to learn about its designs. How do the scientist and the company find each other, meet and communicate? The Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management of the Warsaw University of Technology provides support in such cases.

Flying a Drone to an Accident – the View is Better from Above

Opublikowano: 24/01/2017 3:55 pm

Nowadays, you can buy a drone in any supermarket. For some it’s just another gadget, for others – a tool for work and a platform for obtaining interesting and important data. Specialists from the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography of the Warsaw University of Technology know how to use drones to document traffic accidents.

Warsaw is struggling with air pollution

Opublikowano: 16/01/2017 12:00 pm

Scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology are developing the Warsaw Air Quality Index (WIP). It is an element of a comprehensive environment protection programme for the capital city of Warsaw, which has been announced by the end of 2016. – It should serve the residents of Warsaw as well as municipal authorities – says Artur Badyda, PhD, Eng., of the Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology, who supervises the development of the project.

Surveyors from WUT in Search for the Secrets of Treblinka

Opublikowano: 09/01/2017 1:31 pm

When the Nazis left the extermination camp in Treblinka, they made every effort so that no one would find out what had happened there. They razed the camp buildings and planted lupine. Today, our knowledge about the events in Treblinka is increasingly richer, thanks to, among others, scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology.

Big Science at the Warsaw University of Technology

Opublikowano: 23/12/2016 11:55 am

Synthetic blood, light-emitting quantum dots, B-Droid, underwater robot, solar boat and printed electronics – these are just some of our scientists’ projects that have fascinated us throughout the year. Each week on BIT of WUT, we wrote about their fantastic inventions, discoveries or research projects. In the last article of this year, we would like to remind you once more of the innovative projects from WUT.

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