We are proud to present the intellectual potential of WUT’s students, graduates and employees in the new folder entitled “Business - Innovations – Technology”
Warsaw University of Technology has researchers working on a range of scientific topics which are explored in different areas and on different scale. Often the outcome of these helps with development of new technologies or everyday products to come into being.
Here we would like to present the diversity of topics which are of interest to WUT’s researchers.
Opublikowano: 28/07/2022 8:19 am
At the beginning of July on the Błędowska Desert, the first in Poland student guided rocket FOK was tested in flight. Its creators are members of the SKA Student Space Association from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering.
Opublikowano: 22/07/2022 9:43 am
It is much smaller than its hospital equivalents but its quality clearly equals them. A miniature ECG monitoring device has been created by a WUT scientist and two doctors.
Opublikowano: 18/07/2022 8:57 am
Students from the ADek Science Club create advanced driver assistance systems to improve road safety. These are currently being tested in the autonomous electric car, "ADAŚ", which has appeared on streets of Warsaw.
Opublikowano: 18/07/2022 8:44 am
Who wouldn't want their phone or laptop battery to function reliably for a long time? Meeting these expectations, however, is not that easy. For this, one requires materials with specific properties. Researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology and the National Institute of Chemistry from Slovenia are already looking for them.
Opublikowano: 11/07/2022 5:00 pm
For the past few months, a group of students of the Faculty of Architecture has been working on the "Water Asylum" project. Their efforts have resulted in an installation that can be viewed in the immediate vicinity of the ZODIAK Pavilion.
Opublikowano: 06/07/2022 10:54 am
Can scientists find inspiration for their work in popular culture? Yes, of course! This occurred in the case of a WUT Faculty of Physics project. George Lucas' films inspired researchers to develop a solution that can help improve the vision of the elderly.
Opublikowano: 06/07/2022 10:17 am
A new point has appeared on the map of WUT scientific circles – "CHIMNEY"
Opublikowano: 15/06/2022 8:35 am
Imaging cells is a daunting task due to their size and transparent interior. Holographic tomography proves helpful, as well as digital models and real phantoms of 3D cells developed by WUT researchers.
Opublikowano: 13/06/2022 8:14 am
Researchers from the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering of WUT have developed a technology that will enable universal and less expensive production of hydrogen. They used molybdenum disulphide produced in impact reactors and carbon nanomaterials.
Opublikowano: 09/06/2022 9:30 am
Even a mild case of COVID-19 can affect the activity of the autonomic nervous system, also a few weeks after infection – this is the main conclusion from the research carried out by researchers from the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology and doctors from the Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw.
Opublikowano: 07/06/2022 8:12 am
Our researchers among the authors of the publication in "Nature"
Opublikowano: 30/05/2022 9:30 am
Self-sustaining and ecological, with a happy and integrated community – this is how future architects and urban planners see Polish cities in 2050. Members of the Scientific Circle of Architecture of Tomorrow at WUT have shared their vision.
Opublikowano: 30/05/2022 9:22 am
The team from the Warsaw University of Technology, the Polish Academy of Sciences and the University of Warsaw want to help in the treatment of brain tumours and the elimination of side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Opublikowano: 30/05/2022 8:58 am
How is it possible?
Opublikowano: 30/05/2022 8:28 am
Grzegorz Siewruk, PhD Eng., from the Warsaw University of Technology designed and built the Mixeway system, increasing the security of applications operating in the infrastructure of telecommunications operators.
Opublikowano: 19/05/2022 11:43 am
A team from the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology co-created the Mobile Forensic Platform (MPK) to quickly collect and analyze data from the place of a terrorist attack or disaster. The tool can support the Police and Border Guard in their work.
Opublikowano: 28/04/2022 10:26 am
Learn more about the DISSIMILAR project
Opublikowano: 27/04/2022 1:22 pm
Although they make us slightly ill at ease and may appear quite funny, intestinal sounds play an important role in the process of diagnosing diseases in the field of gastroenterology. Specialists from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, in liaison with Poznan University of Medical Sciences, set about analysing intestinal sounds.
Opublikowano: 26/04/2022 12:34 pm
Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Vienna will be working on a new method of heat treatment of materials. This will allow for more effective creation of microstructures with greater thermal stability and desired properties.
Opublikowano: 14/04/2022 8:17 am
A team of researchers from Warsaw University of Technology's Faculty of Chemistry have developed a new electrolyte that significantly extends the life of lithium-ion batteries and has already found application in smartphones and electric cars.
Opublikowano: 13/04/2022 2:59 pm
Pioneering research at a global scale on the topic is led by Dr Mateusz Modrzejewski – scientist from WUT’s Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology and well-regarded drummer.
Opublikowano: 13/04/2022 2:45 pm
What role do campuses play in shaping public spaces and how can they respond to social expectations, particularly in emergency situations? A research team from the Warsaw University of Technology posed such questions and have developed various development concepts for the Central Campus of WUT.
Opublikowano: 11/04/2022 11:21 am
A team from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering has developed PW-X10 – an experimental, flying electric powered 2-seat platform. The machine is brought into service of the WUT Aviation Research Centre "OBLOT", located at the airport in Sieraków, near Przasnysz.
Opublikowano: 21/03/2022 10:25 am
People with allergy symptoms can breathe a sigh of relief – thanks to the SkinLogic diagnostic solution co-created by a team from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, it will be possible to conduct skin allergy tests more efficiently and obtain more reliable results.
Opublikowano: 21/03/2022 10:04 am
"LIvE SAVER" – is the name of a remote-controlled mobile robot that will assist the fire brigade in rescue operations. It was designed by Piotr Kurządkowski, a student at the WUT's Faculty of Mechatronics and a volunteer firefighter.