Doctoral Studies

Doctoral studies will be conducted according to the existing rules until December 31, 2023. People interested in a doctorate at WUT are invited to Doctoral School

Until December 31, 2023, doctoral studies (third cycle) are conducted as:

  • full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction
  • full-time programmes in English as the language of instruction
  • part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction
  • part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction

Faculty of Architecture

tel. + 48 22 234 5206, +48 22 628 5370,

  • architecture and urban planning (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction).
  • Architecture for the Society of Knowledge

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry in Płock

tel. + 48 24 367 2213,

  • civil engineering (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction);
  • machine design and maintenance (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Chemistry

tel. + 48 22 234 7574,

  • chemistry (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction);
  • chemical technology (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction);
  • biotechnology (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

tel. + 48 22 234 1532,

  • automatics and robotics (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction)
  • electrical technology (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, full-time programmes in English as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
    • computer science (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction)

Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology

tel. + 48 22 234 5349,

  • automatics and robotics (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, full-time programmes in English as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
  • electronics (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, full-time programmes in English as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
  • computer science (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, full-time programmes in English as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
  • telecommunications (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, full-time programmes in English as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Physics

tel. + 48 22 234 7267,

  • physics (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography

tel. + 48 22 234 7369,

  • geodesy and cartography (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering 

tel. + 48 22 234 6369,

  • chemical engineering (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Civil Engineering

tel. + 48 22 234 5670, 

  • civil engineering (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

tel. + 48 22 234 8399,

  • materials engineering (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, full-time programmes in English as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Production Engineering

tel. + 48 22 2348420,

  • machine design and maintenance (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
  • mechanics (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering

tel. + 48 22 234 5945,

  • environmental engineering (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science

tel. + 48 22 234 7295,

  • mathematics (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction);
  • computer science (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Mechatronics

tel. + 48 22 234 8537,

  • automatics and robotics (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
  • biocybernetics and biomedical engineering (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
  • machine design and maintenance (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering

tel. + 48 22 234 5247,

  • automatics and robotics (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
  • machine design and maintenance (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
  • power engineering (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, full-time programmes in English as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
  • mechanics (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering

tel. + 48 22 234 8435,

  • machine design and maintenance (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction);
  • mechanics (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time programmes in English as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Transport

tel. + 48 22 234 7364,

  • transport (full-time programmes in Polish as the language of instruction).

Faculty of Management 

tel. + 48 22 234 8493,


  • management science (full-time study in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time study in Polish as the language of instruction, part-time study in English as the language of instruction)”