2018 WUT Day

Photo by Podniebne Nagrywki
Our tradition has it that November 15 is the Warsaw University of Technology Day. All WUT units, students and staff alike, join in common celebration and hold a number of exciting events to mark the occasion. All academic community and all our friends are heartily invited to come and join in.
The WUT Day celebrations will open with a formal session of the University Senate on November 15, 2018, at 11:00. Some of the events will continue for as long as the end of November (updates will come as they are available).
November 15, 2018 (Thursday)
- 11:00 – Formal session of the Warsaw University of Technology Senate (Grand Hall, WUT Main Building)
- 13:00 – Historical reenactment “Legia Akademicka / Academic Legion”; wreath laying ceremony; unveiling of a plaque to honor the WUT staff, students and alumni fallen in the fight for free Poland by the Academic Community on the Centenary of Poland Regaining Independence 2018 (Grand Hall, WUT Main Building)
- 15:00, 17:00 – WUT campus walks (two routes)
- 18:00 – Golden Book Award Gala: official Golden Book Certificate award ceremony honoring the Warsaw University of Technology Alumni for outstanding professional achievements Artistic performance of the Warsaw University of Technology Folk Song and Dance Ensemble (Grand Hall, WUT Main Building)
November 16, 2018 (Friday)
- 19:00 - 105th Wielka Muzyka w Małej Auli / Great Music in the Small Hall Concert; Stodoła Student Club Gala (Grand Hall, WUT Main Building)
November 17, 2018 (Saturday)
- 10:00–14:00 – A sightseeing tour of the Warsaw University of Technology (host: WUT Museum)
- 10:30 – 13th WUT Rector’s Cup Race (Syrenka Stadium, entrance on Batorego Street)
- 15:00 – Golden Chalk Award Gala and Christmas Scholarship award ceremony (Small Hall, WUT Main Building)
- 18:00 – 13th Miss and Mister WUT Final Gala featuring the WUT Entertainment Orchestra
November 18, 2018 (Sunday)
- 18:00 – Aleksander Fredro’s “Revenge” comedy staged by the Warsaw University of Technology Theater (WUT Mathematics Building) The play is staged in Hall 107 (entrance from Room 227). Admission free.
- 20:30 – Holy Mass (Church of the Holiest Savior, Plac Zbawiciela square, Warsaw)
Accompanying events:
Promotion and Information Office’s Exhibition “Inżynierowie w służbie społeczeństwu / Engineers in the Service of the Community” showcasing innovative designs and research works completed at the Warsaw University of Technology (November 9 to December 21, 2018, WUT Main Building, 2nd Floor Gallery) – a photo gallery
Main Library’s Exhibition “Kierunek Niepodległa. Politechnika – Polska – Europa 1914 – 1921 / Towards Independence. WUT – Poland – Europe 1914–1921” (November 9, 2018, to January 31, 2019, WUT Main Building, 1st Floor Gallery around the Grand Hall)
2018 Design Thinking Week Warsaw (November 12–18, 2018, CZIiTT Building)
“Legia Akademicka / Academic Legion” Exhibition Opening (November 14, 2018, at noon)
The unveiling of historical plaques on benches within the Main Campus (November 14, 2018, at 12:30–13:00, area by the fountain in front of the Faculty of Physics Building) – a photo gallery
Bridge Tournament (November 24, 2018, at 10:00–15:00, Grand Hall, WUT Main Building)