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May at WUT

May at WUT

Check out what May hides

May is this special moment in the year. It is time for events dedicated to students, workers, as well as Warsaw Citizens and guests from abroad.


If you would like to listen to good music you should come to “Great Music in a Small Hall” on 10th of May at 7 p.m. (the Main Building).

Student carnival

It is time to celebrate! The students’ biggest holiday  “Juwenalia” will take place from 18th to 19th of May. Like every year you will have fun at Syrenka Stadion.

One week before festive, it is also worth to take part in a location-based game organized by students. This year main theme is Polish history, and to be exact we focus mostly on:

  • 50th anniversary of 1968 Polish political crisis
  • 75th anniversary of Ghetto Uprising
  • 100th anniversary of regaining independence

To sign in, you have to fill in a form.

Day&Night at WUT

There will be something for smaller and bigger geeks. On 19th of May, you can visit WUT and take part in the Education Picnic and the Night of Museums.

More detailed info about May events is available in Polish on www.pw.edu.pl/pw/Kalendarium